•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Chaira for the win !!!!

  1. Mark New Member

  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

  3. Kevin New Member


    all that success at singing, and she still works as a secretary hahahahaha

    shes such a lovely person :D
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    Great interview:D Especially the part about Harry Potter..LMAO

    And Mark, if you want her to win, at least spell her name right:P
  5. ROFL, Chiara was just trying to say something nice :D you could tell she hated the song! It's a shame to hear about the lack of a music industry in Malta, a voice like her's deserves all the success in the world, but it must sooo awesome to have her as a secretary :) plus it's funny to think of people like Klinsmann working in Valletta's McDonalds!


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