•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

December 2016 dates

  1. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    ANNOUNCING the traditional end of year event. Please let us know if you want to take part and, if so, please give us notice of at least two days (preferably more; they don't have to be consecutive) where you can grace us with your guaranteed presence in December.

    Between now and then you may well be advised to make sure you have, or will be able to obtain, the required minimum number of qualifying days, and give some thought to picking a song for the event, which has no restriction in genre but should not be related to Christmas as this is not X6.

    THIS is an invitation-only event and the following participants are invited:

    adamacs Anaconda CTP Curtis dan DenDutch Genesis2703 James jaylouise123 Julio Luis DLC Merjan Mina Nessie NickEmpel ollie2283 Ronini Rua Scheeples sokrates1988 Stockholm calling Teodor Wiggles

    Ti aspetto all'inizio del mondo, spero che la tua risposta sia 'si' <<
    James, Mina, DenDutch and 2 others like this.
  2. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    Great news jw :up: anytime in december is fine for me
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    Of course I'll participate.
  4. Julio STRANGLES

    I would like to take part, I don't mind the date but I would prefer to avoid the 24th
  5. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    Exc, jw, tysm. I'm very happy to be in and will communicate the dates asap.
  6. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    I'd love to participate too, dates will follow!
    I hope Merjan replies soon so I can admire her beautiful avatar.

    Well, first of all I thought that was someone's pubic hair - possibly yours as there's nothing to speak of there - or Sandra's getting an airing again and then I realised it's an underarm.

    a) as if my underarm hair would be that colour
    b) my fingernails are nothing like those, and
    c) a comb that colour? :o I don't think so

    So I am now left thinking it's either you or Sandra combing their pubic hair and my face has been unscrupulously pasted in. I am SHOCKED and OFFENDED and I haven't been offended in years!!!!!!!

    I can be here (I believe, to the best of my knowledge) 1st, 2nd, 5th; 7th - 9th; probably 13th - 16th; 21st - 23rd; I may not be able to do a day over either weekend.

    Thank you so much for organising this, Dennis <<

    I'll gladly participate!
    I'll be away for a week from the 24th onwards and as always, Mondays are difficult for me. Any other day is fine.

    Well, stuff me DenDutch, I've been totally deleted. How rude.

    I shall again state that all thanks go to Dennis. I hadn't even thought about that bloody awful time between Christmas and New Year; I shall probably be here then unless Dennis is busy basting me.
  10. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    What a Dennisism. You are certainly picking up the vocabulary and traits of your lover.
  11. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    I would very much like to participate << - I'd be fine with almost any day (preferably a little bit into December so I can accustom) except 23+ and thereafter.

    I'll be glad to take part as well! Preferably before the 19th and after the 21st, as I'll be travelling and I don't know if I'll have internet connection
  13. Thank you, I would like to participate, preferably after the 13th December as I will be very busy during the first two weeks of the month.
  14. Ronini SHIT Taste Central

    I'll very happily participate and any night up to and including the 23rd, except the 10th, will be fine for me.
  15. Wiggles Administrator

    I'd like to be in, the days after the 22th are difficult, for holiday reasons, but at any date before that I believe I can make the time.
  16. Genesis2703 Pointless

    I'd love to be able to participate! <<

    Thursdays and Fridays are a bit tough for me at uni normally, but most other days I should be fine with.
  17. CTP Jass hater

    1st to 7th I won't be available. 15-18th also unavailable at this stage. The rest ought to be doable.
    Anaconda likes this.
  18. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    Back with dates. Aside the 4th, which is not doable ofc for several of us, I can do any date in December up to and including the 21st. I'd prefer not to do it on the 14th, but if it works for the majority, I can move some things around, no problem. From the 22nd onward I'll be travelling etc - might be able to do 27th or 28th, but unsure at this stage. Many thanks again!
  19. Curtis Belgium is a non country.

    i'm getting fucked by Gian on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 22nd other than that i'm fine and dandy
    sokrates1988 likes this.
  20. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    TMI but do enjoy.
    sokrates1988 likes this.

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