•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

E3 dates - very important


When should E3 be held? It's a one day contest!

12th May 4 vote(s) 23.5%
19th May 13 vote(s) 76.5%
  1. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.


    This is actually really important so anyone considering participating in the 3rd Eurovision Edition needs to pay attention and vote in this poll.

    It's nearly time for our annual Eurovision Edition which celebrates the anniversary of our contest. This year it is planned for us to do a completely live show to celebrate the occasion.

    What I mean by a live show is that there will be a full show on one night, where we watch all songs in full together, have a 15 minute window to vote and have results on the same night. Just like the real Eurovision Song Contest. It would be a special event with a great atmosphere, watching it all together in our own live version of Eurovision with actual Eurovision songs (as per the rules of all Eurovision Editions).

    The show would begin at 20:00 UK time, just like the real Eurovision and will last for approximately 3 hours, depending on the number of participants. However, it needs an absolute commitment by the participants that they will attend, otherwise they'll be disqualified for not voting, with the ramifications that non-voting brings (3 contest ban).

    As such, we need to decide on a date. There are two candidates: Saturday 12 May and Saturday 19 May. In other words, either the week before Eurovision, or two weeks before Eurovision.

    Before you vote, please think carefully. There are pros and cons for both dates:

    12 May: Liam (the host of E3) prefers this date because he will be attending the official Eurovision launch party in Baku on the 19th, so he will probably not be able to attend the live show if it is on the 19th.

    19 May: I personally prefer this date because Eurovision editions are a lot of work, as this will be a live show it will involve even more work than ever before, plus the fact it will be anonymous also adds to the workload for me. So extra time will help me, especially given the fact that I will be unavailable from the week commencing 30th April so I will have less time than usual to prepare.

    Those are the two candidates (see what I did there? :D). Please vote. Wisely.
  2. Liam Esterran.

    We'll y'all seem to have spoken, and just let me say y'all suck. I probably won't be able to attend, so screw y'all.

    feat. <3 jw, but not you bitches.
  3. pepepaez Masiosare's first Head of Delegation.

    Any of the two dates work for me. My problem now is the time: whichever day you decide, I'll see what I can do to make it on time. :up:
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    That's not a bad thing ^_^
  5. Lilly.. Y U NO ALIEN?

    Shall I defend my golden toilet?

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