•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

EBU's statements

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    The EBU have announced that they are "very satisfied" with the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest voting procedures. "At the moment, an independent auditor is re-checking the incoming calls and SMSes. That is a standard procedure. Shortly after that process has been completed, we can announce the total number of votes" Svante Stockselius told their official website

    How did that process take place in the previous years, when only televoting was used?:S
    We had the full televoting results on the night of the final..and now it's been almost a week..is he still checking?
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    In previous years they probs gave them out on the night and then chcked them over again after the final just to be sure, like they're doing this year ;) But the thing that gets it is, oiko are reporting the EBU won't publish the televoting results ..? I mean I know oiko isn't exactly reliable but it does worry me that the EBU don't wanna give away the televoting points, it makes me think they've got something to hide :S

    I'm sure they're probably not hiding anything as they wouldn't risk the outcry if it turned out they were manipulating the results, but you can't help but wonder :rolleyes:
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    Well, Jonny,
    they could do the same this year. Give them out and check them later..couldn't they?:P
  4. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    When it says the total number of votes I think they are referring to the number of different votes that were received and NOT the results of the competition had the juries not been used. ;)

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