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Estonia 2013

  1. Norbert Welcome

    My Top 10 National Final of Estonia

    OskarEvansBaker likes this.
  2. OskarEvansBaker New Member

    This is my first time this year, to hear songs from Estonia. First impressions :
    Number 10 - :o I hope never to hear this song again. It hurts my ears,eyes and brain.
    Number 9 - a lot better than number 10.
    Number 8 - Ooh now this I like.
    Number 7 - ok.
    Number 6 - more than ok. Strong song. Not sure about the voice.
    Number 5 - Ooh almost as good as number 8.
    Number 4 - the male talky bits remind me of another song but I can't place it. Good though.
    Number 3 - I like the song and the presentation more than the vocals.
    Number 2 - Ooh nice one.
    Number 1 - I like this too, but I prefer three or four others.

    (apart from song #10) I think the standard is quite high. Well done Estonia !

    On second listens (but not #10), my first choice would be either #8 or #6.
    I think I slightly prefer the song of #6, but prefer the voice of #8.
    Norbert likes this.
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    You have to watch this..it's one of the participants in the Estonian final :o^_^


    The winner:
  5. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    (4 minute) studio version

    It's not unpleasant.
  7. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    Et uus saaks alguse / For things to start anew

    Ma mäletan veel / I still remember
    Kui tuli mu hinge, et jääda, see tunne nii suur / That feeling, so overwhelming, settling on my soul
    Samas nüüd seisan ma teel / And yet I'm standing on the road
    Vaadates südame sisse, seal viliseb tuul / Searching my soul, battered by the wind
    Aga tean, ma tean / And I know, I know
    Kőik vőib muuta heaks / That things can get better
    Iga uks, mis kord sulgub, see avaneb taas / Every door that closes eventually opens again

    Veel sulab jää ja őide puhkeb raagus puu / The snow will melt and the bare trees will burst into leaf
    Iga lőpp ei ole muud kui algus uus / Every ending is just a new beginning
    On vaja ööd, et päev tooks valguse / We need the night so the day can bring us light
    Et uus saaks alguse / For things to start anew
    Mis möödund, jäägu kaugele / Leave what's passed in the past
    Et uus saaks taas alguse / For things to once again start anew

    Kardin avaneb taas / The curtain is being raised once more
    On algamas järgmine vaatus, kus tőusta saan maast / The second act is starting, where I pick myself up and dust myself down
    Sama hing, kuid uus mäng veel ees / The same person, only with a different game to play
    Muudetud saab minu saatus, saab uueks mu tee / What lies ahead has changed, I'm taking a different path
    Ja ma tean, ma tean / And I know, I know
    Kőik vőib muuta heaks / That things can get better
    Iga uks, mis kord sulgub, see avaneb taas / Every door that closes eventually opens again

    Veel sulab jää ja őide puhkeb raagus puu / The snow will melt and the bare trees will burst into leaf
    Iga lőpp ei ole muud kui algus uus / Every ending is just a new beginning
    On vaja ööd, et päev tooks valguse / We need the night so the day can bring us light
    Et uus saaks alguse / For things to start anew
    Mis möödund, jäägu kaugele / Leave what's passed in the past

    Veel sulab jää ja őide puhkeb raagus puu / The snow will melt and the bare trees will burst into leaf
    Iga lőpp ei ole muud kui algus uus / Every ending is just a new beginning
    On vaja ööd, et päev tooks valguse / We need the night so the day can bring us light
    Et uus saaks alguse / For things to start anew
    Mis möödund, jäägu kaugele / Leave what's passed in the past
    Et uus saaks taas alguse / For things to once again start anew

    Just a small round-up of the voting in Eesti Laul 2013 here, as it was utterly insane what happened there.
    The maximum amount of points a song could get in the semifinal was 20, the least was 2. In semifinal one, both Winny Puhh and Korsikud scored 18 points - they won that semifinal. Sarah came last with just 2 points.
    Semifinal 2 was much more difficult: Rolf Roosalu, Rasmus Rändvee and Liisi Koikson all scored 12 points and shared victory there. Last place went to Neogeen who scored 9 points. As you see: a gap of only 3 points between winning and flushing.
    #4-#8 all had 11 points. On tie-break resolution, that meant Pohja-Tallinn was 4th and Birgit Oigemeel 5th. Birgit only was a borderline qualifier there! The televoting loved her, as they placed her second and gave her 9 points. That means the jury placed her 9th, second last that is, with only two points.
    Funny enough, the other superfinalist, Grete Paia, only picked up five from the jury in semifinal one.
    Then there was a completely different jury for the final. And that showed. Birgit suddenly climbed and scored a second place with the jury. The third place she got with televoting gave her 17 points. Grete Paia, Winny Puhh and Korsikud all scored a total of 16 points. Because Grete was the televoting winner, she got through to the superfinal. Logic would then say: Grete was 2,500 votes ahead, surely she can't lose.
    In some incredible way though, 30,333 votes came in for Birgit against 29,014 for Grete.
    It surely shows that this was one of the years where the Estonians really had trouble picking their song for Eurovision.
  9. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    Final version
  10. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    Here are two different version of Estonia's song:

    Allting Börjar Om (Swedish version)

    Volver A Empezar (Spanish version)

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