•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Eurovision from the last 5 years

  1. jennyv0 New Member

    I was on a Eurovision marathon last night and it brought back all of the wonderful performances that has been presented in the last years.

    My favourties would have to be
    Qele Qele-Sirusho Armenia 2008
    Visionary Dream-Sopho Georigia 2007 (she gave it her all!)
    My Number One-Elena Paparizou Greece 2005 (one of the best winners I have to say)
    Hasheket Shenishar-Shiri Maimon Israel 2005
    Shady Lady-Ani Lorak Ukarine 2008
    Shake It Up Sekerim- Kenan Dogulu Turkey 2007
    A Chaque Pas-Jonatan Cerrada France 2004

    These are only a few of the ones that I liked watching 9again)
    Which ones are the best in your opinions and has anyone heard of what these artists are up to today?

    Oh and also Ani Lorak's new album is FANTASTIC.
    Download it here at www.euro-party.blogspot.com. :D
  2. CTP Jass hater

    In the last 5 years...I would say the songs that have stood out for me have been (in no particular order)

    Sebastien Telier - Divine.
    Jakob Sviestrup - Talking To You
    Paolo Meneguzzi - Era Stupendo (yes, I know he didn't do so good on stage)
    Anonymous - Salvem el mom/Lets Save the World
    Roger Cicero - Frauen Regiern die Welt
    Magdi Rúzsa - Unsubstantial Blues
    Mihai Traistariu - Tornero
    Anjeza Shahini - Image of You
    Max Mutzke - Can't Wait Until Tonight
    Lena Philipsson - It Hurts

    Of course I enjoyed many more than that, but these are some that stick out and that I remember. From your list I'd say Sopho and Sirusho are my favourites.
  3. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Heres a brief list, ofcourse I have many more favourites but these are probably the most enduring songs, aka the ones that I still listen to from time to time :)

    • For real, Turkey 2004
    • Can't wait until tonight, Germany 2004
    • In my dreams, Norway 2005
    • Cool Vibes, Switzerland 2005
    • Touch my fire, UK 2005
    • Hardrock Hallelujah, Finland 2006
    • Mama, Belarus 2006
    • Twist of love, Denmark 2006
    • The worrying kind, Sweden 2007
    • Leave me alone, Finland 2007
    • Secret Combination, Greece 2008
    • Believe, Russia 2008
    • Your heart belongs to me, Holland 2008

    What are they up to now? Lordi recently released a new album. Vanilla Ninja I think are still doing performances but I dont know if they're recording new material at the moment. I don't think the Ark are planning new material but I think Ola Salo is starring in Jesus Christ Superstar in Sweden. Hanna Pakarinen recently released "love in a million shades" which is fantastic and went Gold in Finland. Dima is probably still making lots of money and i'm not sure about Hind or Kalomira (but apparently shes in the running to rep. Greece in 2010!).
  4. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    in no particular order:
    Leave me alone - Finland 2007
    Leijla - Bosnia & herzegovina 2006
    Shady Lady - Ukraine 2008
    Is it true? - Iceland 2009
    *very good year!*
    Lane Moje, Wild Dances & It hurts - 2004
    *another good year!*

    i say iceland 09 finland 07, ukraine 08 and bosnia 06 for the following reasons
    iceland 09 - the song at the NF was dull, yet they managed to make magic not only on the stage performance but the harmonies in the key-esque change was divine

    finland 07 - i wanted it to win, everything was right *although looking back, mabye more colour on the backdrop so we can see the stunner of hanna ;)* A PERFECT SONG

    ukraine 08 - the performance was just a joy to watch and it was 100% original the song was a breath of pop air and much better than the skank that is dima bilan

    bosnia 06 - the first time i heard the song it was in the 30 second recap of the final 24 songs and i was entranced, by listening to the whole song i think it is the best song zejlko has written! it is a song that one day in our lives we could all relate too and its the perfect sombre vibe that u would need
  5. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I also think Bosnia 06 is his best ESC composition :D For some reason Lane Moje seemed so cold in comparism and I really don't get why so many people prefer Lane Moje to Lejla :)

    Anyway, heres the esc songs that have a little story to go with them, to me at least (in no order :P):D

    • Hero : ESC 2008 was the first season I followed in detail, and instantly I fell in love with this song. Looking back it probably wouldn't have been my favourite now or even anywhere close, cos I think my taste has sort of matured. But still everytime I listen to the song it sounds just as immense as the first time I heard it :)
    • Wild Dances : Back in 2004 I really didnt know much about eurovision. I remember I was outside with friends on that night and one of them went "Oh f*ck eurovisions on, I wanted to watch it!!" I remember after that I went in to watch it and the one performance that stood out was Ruslana's, and then I instantly fell in love with that sort of eastern-sounding ethno-pop that we'd just never hear in the UK, which could have well been the thing that got me mildly intersted in eurovision :)
    • In my dreams : I damn well voted for it and remember watching the 2005 contest quite clearly. I also remember that I really liked the winning song as it was another one of these ethno-sounding songs that i'd never hear in the UK. But one song that REALLY stood out was "in my dreams" and it will always be one of my favourite esc songs!
    • Ninanajna : I watched the 2006 contest whilst staying down in Littlehampton with my family, and I remember watching it on this tiny little TV and me and me & my older brother rooting for Lordi or Lithuania to win (forgive me!). And whilst Hardrock Halleujah was my favourite and still is of that year, there was this one song which stayed in my head for months afterwards, and I knew it was one of the eurovision songs but I had no idea which one. Then when I finally got the ESC 2006 CD sometime in 2007, I finally realised the song i'd had stuck in my head for all these months/years was Ninanajna :D
    • Twist of love : Ahem this song has my name in the first verse, do I need any other reasons!? :D
  6. THE WOMAN SPEAKS THE TRUTH. You may stay.

    I got the CD off eBay last month and have really been enjoying it - most of the songs are written by the git responsible for "This Is Our Night" and "+ Se thelo" but I urge you all to listen to Ani's song "А дальше…" (because it's amazing and almost identical to +ST) and "Пламя" (because it literally has the exact same verse as Anna Vissi's song "Welcome To The Party") - the DVD is also awesome and the Russian version of "Shady Lady" is utterly brilliant ---> attitude filled song + Russian language = EPICNESS

    I CBAed to list my favourite performances because I can find something I love in each and every one but special shout out to Bulgaria 2008 for being both horridly shite and mindfuck amazing at the same time.

    EDIT: and this is not the place for this thread so I'M MOVING IT. Address all complaints to my PM box IF YOU DARE.
  7. Chelsea Nguyen New Member

    Hello ESCChat.com

    Hello to all members here. My name is Chelsea Nguyen, and was been promoted to this site by my near high school and name-mate Draupers, due to being web chef of the second largest Oslo 2010-group on Facebook. I hope I will learn a lot from this site and also get in touch with abroad Eurovision fans as I regularly do only handle with Norwegian fans:)

    I have also an account on Oikotimes, ESCtoday, Eurovision.tv and on ESCNorge.net even though I do never write:)

    If you guys want to know me, you can add me on Facebook.

    Bit facts:
    Name: Chelsea Nguyen
    Location: Oslo, Norway
    Nationality: Vietnamese with french roots (do barely speak and cannot write in Vietnamese)
    Started to watch ESC in: 2007

    Edit: I am so sorry, this was supposed to be a new thread and not a reply to the main topic of this thread:S
  8. The Ark will start recording a new album this autumn to be released next spring :D

    10 favourites:

    2004: For real - Turkey
    2004: Can't wait until tonight - Germany
    2005: Cool Vibes - Switzerland
    2005: In my dreams - Norway
    2006: Hard Rock Hallelujah - Finland
    2007: The worrying kind - Sweden
    2007: Leave me alone - Finland
    2007: Salvem el món - Andorra
    2008: Era stupendo - Switzerland
    2009: Et Cetera - Ireland
  9. I thought they weren't going to record any more albums? Or does this article refer to physical CDs and this new material will be download only or something? *crap I can't find the article but I read something about it in Aftonbladet in 2007 :D*

    Well, all I can say is OLA IS A GOD!
  10. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    GET IN!!! Woooohoooo thats great news :D
  11. and Jesus Christ :)

    You may be right about that ;)

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