•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Finnish NF (Semi Two) - YOUR VOTE


Vote for THREE, Vizzy!!!

Poll closed 13th December 2009.
"Annankadun kulmassa" - Heli Kajo 6 vote(s) 66.7%
"Kerro mulle rakkaudesta" - Veeti Kallio 6 vote(s) 66.7%
"Sun puolella" - Antti Kleemola 4 vote(s) 44.4%
"Play" - Monday 6 vote(s) 66.7%
"Love At The First Sight" - Sister Twister 3 vote(s) 33.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Right, I'm going to get the next two semi polls up and ready for you to vote for, hopefully by the weekend we'll have our final! :D

    So, without further waffling, here are the delights that await us in the second semi final:

    (1) "Annankadun kulmassa" - Heli Kajo

    (2) "Kerro mulle rakkaudesta" - Veeti Kallio

    (3) "Sun puolella" - Antti Kleemola

    (4) "Play" - Monday

    (5) "Love At The First Sight" - Sister Twister (aka The Finnish branch of 'Dykes on Bikes')
  2. Arben The Flag Lover

    heli kajo dfntly best here... very charming
  3. Monday's "Play" is the best song of the whole lot :)
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    I voted for Heli Kajo, Veeti Kallio and Play :)
  5. Eurovizz Member

    Hahaha:D ............
  6. Dingo "Who's Online" page Fan#1

    Heli Kajo: I think Heli Kajo must get a lot of her inspiration from 80's childrens' television, since the backbone of Annankadun kulmassa comprises the theme-tunes of Postman Pat and Thomas the Tank Engine. Especially the part around 1:30! That aside, it's an enjoyable song and she's pretty hot!

    Veeti Kallio: Yes, I quite like this one too.. the sensual echoing guitar riffs and the teasing verses. He definitely feels what he is singing. Probably my favourite of this lot.

    Antti Kleemola: He comes across as a nice chap and his song is nice too. But no-one wants a nicey-boy and nothing comes out of the song. Unfortunately I lost interest whilst trying to listen to it.

    Monday: When I first saw this bunch I immediately wondered if the members of Entwine had all gotten fat and rebranded themselves. Once I listened however, I could happily reassure myself that the Finnish metal band I'd confused these with have indeed not hit the Christmas turkey early. Monday possess all the necessary elements to feature in one of Anette's erotic dreams, and I suppose they have come up with an okay song.. but texturewise it is very simple and uninventive and it doesn't really do it for me.

    Sister Twister: What do you get if you breed a Jedward with a La Roux? Answer: you get the cockatiel fronting this girlband! Well, it seems like the staff of Primark are performing a tribute to punk at this years Christmas party.. and afterwards, "self-assured" they will "put on their high-heel dancing shoes, their favourite dresses and sing the blues (a.k.a. du-du-du-du-du + megaphone effect)" [those are actually lyrics from the song, for those of you who've avoided it]. And yet.. ashamedly I kinda like it.. paintin' da town red wiv ma ladies, woop!
  7. Arben The Flag Lover

    i changed my mind:
    Helikajo is not just charming... ITS FUC....G GREEEEEEEAT...

    wow i was in bad mood today, but when listening to it i felt like never i had problems in life.
    This is better than Amadeus (I mean Mina)...
    WOWOWOWOWOWOW.... i WANT summer!!! i WANT a great summer with friendsand this song!!!

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