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Hungary 2018


    Anaconda likes this.
  2. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    They're all woefully hopeless, to be honest.

    Vigyázó was the only one I made at least 2 minutes into.

    Have to say... I'm a bit disappointed. Hungary usually is one of my favourite Eurovision countries, but miracles will need to happen with this bunch.
    1. 1 Szó Mint 100
    2. Butterfly House
    3. Meggyfa
    4. Azt Mondtad
    5. Levegőt!
    6. Budapest Girl
    7. Vigyázó
    8. Zöld A Május
    9. Satellites
    10. Ne Hagyj Reményt
    11. Runaround
    12. Aranyhal
    13. Kirakat Élet
    14. Nagybetűs Szavak
    15. I Let You Run Away
    16. Viszlát Nyár
    17. Good Vibez
    18. Bármerre Jársz
    19. Turn The Lights On
    20. Nem Szól Harang
    21. Kisnyuszi A Kalapban
    22. Crack My Code
    23. Jó Szelet!
    24. Nekem Te
    25. Journey
    26. Mése A Királyról
    27. Hypnotized
    28. Életre Kel
    29. Nobody To Die For
    30. Lusta Lány
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    The only songs I would want to hear again are I Let You Run Away and Budapest Girl.
  5. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    I only listened to the ones in tonight's heat so far, but I didn't think they were that bad, though nothing was stellar or anything. I liked Fourtissimo ft. Markanera the most, followed by Living Room which I thought was quite pleasant, while Patikadomb, Viktor Király and Gabi Knoll were not that bad. These would be my picks for this heat with maybe Ceasefire X as the last qualifier.
  6. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    I was rather underwhelmed by the songs in tonight's heat, found most unremarkable and have a hard time remembering how they went. My clear favourite is yesyes, which is not surprising as it is penned by Ádám Szabó (whose Together I loved last year), and sounds it. Peet Project (whose Kill Your Monster last year was great) was a bit of a letdown. SativuS is more of a nostalgia pick for me (typical CEE sound for this kind of song). Viki Singh was a massive disappointment, chorus is annoying af.
  7. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    I think this third one is definitely the best heat in this A Dal. I am pretty much OK with all of them, at different levels and different degrees. I probably liked #yeahla the most, followed by Andy Roll, but really, any could be a grower. The exceptions are Nikoletta Szöke et al, which I didn't like at all, and Reni Tolvai, which I found very generic and commercial. Overall, yes, this A Dal is a considerable step back compared to 2017.

    The following eighteen acts are still in. They're ranked by the points they received in the heats:

    1. AWS – Viszlát Nyár: 45
    2. Gergely Dánielfy – Azt Mondtad: 45
    3. Nikoletta Szőke, Attila Kökény and Róbert Szakcsi Lakatos - Életre Kel: 44
    4. Leander Kills - Nem Szol Harang: 44
    5. Zsölt Süle - Zöld A Május: 44
    6. yesyes – I Let You Run Away: 43
    7. Gábor Heincz Biga – Good Vibez: 43
    8. Viktor Király - Budapest Girl: 43
    9. Tamás Horváth - Meggyfa: 42
    10. Ceasefire X - Satellites: 41
    11. Gabi Knoll - Nobody To Die For: 40
    12. Odett – Aranyhal: 39
    13. Ham ko Ham - Bármerre Jársz: 38
    14. Maszkura és a tücsökraj - Nagybetus Szavak: 38
    15. Cintia Horváth & Tomi Balogh - Journey (Break Your Chains): 37
    16. Tamás Vastág - Ne Hagyj Reményt: 36
    17. Ronald Gulyás - Hypnotized: 35
    18. SativuS – Lusta Lány: 34
    Anaconda likes this.
  9. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    Proper shocker. yesyes and Ceasefire X are the only ones I recall liking from the heats. Will have to listen to everything again so that might shift.
  10. Genesis2703 Pointless

    :hu: A Dal 2018 - Top 8 :hu:
    1. yesyes – I Let You Run Away
    2. AWS – Viszlát Nyár
    3. Tamás Horváth - Meggyfa
    4. Viktor Király - Budapest Girl
    5. Gergely Dánielfy – Azt Mondtad
    6. Leander Kills - Nem Szol Harang
    7. Zsölt Süle - Zöld A Május
    8. Gábor Heincz Biga – Good Vibez
    A Dal is pretty shouty and emo this year. Sadly I only managed to make it to the end of three of the songs..... most of them were really boring/bad :( . yesyes is my favourite by a mile and I really hope they pick it, if not I could cope with AWS (reminds me of some of the stuff I listened to as a teen :P )
    Anaconda likes this.
  11. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    I hate screamo but I quite like Viszlát nyár - I think it's mainly to do with the story behind the song and the energy they bring to the live. It's something you don't get at Eurovision.
  12. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    I of course like a few here, although I think they've eliminated some great tracks, the strongest remain.
    1. Azt Mondtad
    2. Zöld A Május
    3. Meggyfa
    4. Good Vibez
    5. Viszlát Nyár
    6. Budapest Girl
    7. I Let You Run Away
    8. Nem Szól Harang
    Anything but Leander Kills, I'd say.
  13. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    I stand behind my I Let You Run Away preference for best choice. A second would be Meggyfa. Neither seems to stand a proper chance though.

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