•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Melodi Fran Ta Pill Dag

  1. Kevin New Member


    The winner has been chosen, stay tuned to find out who has won :D

    and remember, Þiðbandið needs your votes :D
  2. Kevin New Member

    Promo Tour

    The Song will be officially presented on Friday evening, at 6pm on Þ1 (and ÞPB World for international viewers) in the final of Melödi Från Tå Pill Däg.

    The artist chosen will be visiting Ishtaristan on Saturday 25th April
    In the morning, they will be in Ishtaron, followed by an afternoon tour of the island, including stops at Kornsee, Langerig, and Soetkin Islands.

    On Sunday 26th April, the artist will be holding a Meet and Greet at the library in Hustembre.
    The artist will then visit Jabia, where an afternoon concert will take place in Hyzence, and the artist will perfom their song on JB1, live at 3pm, in the JTV studios in Jiji City

    On Monday, 27th April, the singer will be visiting the city of Hurjija, and then will make their way on a tour of Fusionia. At 8pm they will appear on ESC-CSCP, on OJL.

    The later stages of the tour will be revealed at a later date :D
  3. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    WOOOO FUSIONIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i love it very much how the fusionian infomation is lacking
    i need to do some promo stuff - but all have is the flag of fusionia - then again its so amazing i think thats all it needs...
  4. Kevin New Member

    At the moment, the plans for Fusionia are still very vague, by Friday, they will become more clear :D hopefully my artist will be able to perfom on Fusionian television :D
  5. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    hopefully? :o
    i will GARUNTEE my artist for the next 5 contests in your best Þiðbandið venue if you do the same - our broadcaster - OJL broadcasting has the funds and all... plans for all other countries apart from BLACK-DAISYSTAN, davids country which i believe is DWEDEN -_-, minas country WALDOWIA :P and ofc Ishtaristan have been suspended
    OJL broadcasting have spoken...
  6. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Ollie is ur country Fusonia!? Shall I put you down for Fusiona?! :D
  7. Kevin New Member

    If we get a prime time spot on OJL, you can have your artist perfom on "Ðè Gòrdń Frelt Sjöw" on Monday at 7pm, live on Þ1 ;) (you can't say fairer than that ;))
  8. Aaron N Moof master

    i bet the song i gave top marks won.. :P

    i need a country name.....and i'm crap at thinking of stuff like this...
  9. Kevin New Member

  10. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    yes it is jonny - i might do an info thing later
    ok kevin thats a deal prime time on each channel best venue, for the next 5 contests <cyber shakes>
  11. Kevin New Member

    i have to say, my flag is officially the best :)
  12. Kevin New Member

    OK ;)

    i'll add it to the schedule - what are the details? (time, date, show, channel)
  13. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    How about Moofistan!!!?

    Thx Ollie :)
  14. Kevin New Member

    national anthem - Moof!
  15. Aaron N Moof master

    i'll go with moofistan :D:D

    now all i have to do is do an info page :D which will take a while :P
  16. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    today - urm 8pm (xD deliberatly missing melidavefestivalen) on OJL broadcasting and called ESC-CSCP (stands for esc-chat song contest previews) ofc my lot are already ready
  17. Kevin New Member

  18. Kevin New Member

    Sakis "wants you" to vote for him

    Kai Se Thelo ;)

  19. Kevin New Member

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