•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

New furkan

  1. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    the new furkan
    and once aeain i thank ilkhars blog for it - the best esc blogger in all of finland (if not europe!)
    i have yet to hear him yet - so tell me what you think
  2. You've got to be kidding...

    How is THIS the new Furkan?! He's is faaaaar too good :D where is the shite out of tune singing, where is the dodgy webcam quality videoing, where is the blatent reliance on studio versions?!

    This guy is amazing but he is no Furkan! Plus, he's nowhere near as hairy o_O

    I like Ilkar too but I think she can be a bit closed-minded and infuriating, however, she delivers some interesting news except, unlike Oiko, she's actually a good writer :D

    EDIT: I think she also may be the only ESC-blogger in Finland :P
  3. I love Steven Coulter's covers. He has posted all of them on esctoday :P
  4. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    ROFL Well ofcourse nobody can be the new Furkan, hes irreplaceable. But this Steven guy actually does some really good versions of the songs, in fact i'd say his version of fairytale is better than the original (although i know thats not a high benchmark rofl)

    The best one though is his miss kiss kiss bang: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-ZvFkTdVFE&feature=channel_page :)

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