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Norway's Jury votes

  1. Mark New Member

    Because Rybak's "singing" broke the counting operators in Norway during the final, they used 100% jury so Norway's jury voted

    1 France
    2 United Kingdom
    3 Moldova
    4 Sweden
    5 Ukraine !?
    6 Germany !?
    7 Turkey !?
    8 Denmark
    10 Azerbaijan !?
    12 Iceland

    Also Hungary's telephones couldn't be counted, but their SMS's did so they could still use 50/50. and in the 2nd semi - a country didn't have enough security measures so had to use 100% jury but they are nameless ... no wonder Albania gave 10 to Holland
  2. Eurovizz Member

    No La Mark, it was not NRK's televoting system which broke, but the EBU's. NRK did only announce the "full results" by themselves from a paper they recieved from EBU's votingstation in Germany right before the voting part of the show started.

    So technically, it was the system in Germany which counted wrong.
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    LOL, Germany found an opportunity to get 6 points:P
  4. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    OMG If Norway's televoting had given the UK more points then we would have been 4th! In fact, we still could have done it with one point less than Turkey. How annoying.

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