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Possible NF for Esterra


Should Esterra Have a National Final for Edition 25?

Poll closed 11th July 2011.
YES!! And include the videos! 4 vote(s) 22.2%
YES! But only give decriptions of the songs. Oh the suspense! 9 vote(s) 50.0%
No. Just send your usual crap. :P 5 vote(s) 27.8%
  1. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Esterra is considering having a NF. If we do we are considering only showing descriptions of the songs, and NOT the actual videos. Please vote.
  2. pepepaez Masiosare's first Head of Delegation.

    If you plan to use the non-winning songs for future entries, then I suggest you just give some descriptions o the song. That's where my vote goes... good luck! =oD
  3. Julio STRANGLES

    I think voting by description may result in something you don't like or that isn't as good as the others, for me yes you should do a nf and I will vote either way, but imo you should at least use some videos too so we know what we are voting for :P
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    I voted for the 3rd option just because I'm against nf's :P
    James likes this.
  5. Gian My avatar is fat and frumpy

    I love NF becouse they are a way to send a new song.In national final public vote,in escchat song contest public vote too.
    it is a good way to make good
    if you will make a NF i want to be the first to vote in it!!!!
  6. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    And now for the announcement of the songs for the Esterran NF for Edition 25!!!

    Song #1: ÜBER-MEGA HIT
    Song #2: French Blues
    Song #3: French Singing Group
    Song #4: Swedish Rock
    Song #5: "Continental Movie Dog"
    Song #6: Returning Lusitanian/Esterran Artist
    Song #7: White Trash
    Song #8: Russian Country
    Song #9: 90s emotional ballad
    Song #10: Portuguese Rap

    Please vote ESC-style: 12, 10, 8-1

    Send votes to me either: via private message in forums, private msg in chat, or email: [email protected]

    Voting closes @ 21.00 Wednesday!

    (P.S. When voting is over, I will announce the songs that did NOT get selected)
  7. xXtomasXx New Member

    12- Song #1: ÜBER-MEGA HIT
    10- Song #2: French Blues
    8- Song #3: French Singing Group
    7-Song #4: Swedish Rock
    6- Song #5: "Continental Movie Dog"
    5- Song #6: Returning\ Lusitanian/Esterran Artist
    4-Song #10: Portuguese Ra
    3-Song #7: White Trash
    2-Song #8: Russian Country
    1- Song #9: 90s emotional ballad
    THER U GO :)
  8. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Voting has closed...a winner has been selected.
  9. CTP Jass hater

    I doubt it ^_^
    Luis DLC, Scheeples and James like this.
  10. Mina Member with a "past"

    God help us :D

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