•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Sarnavia #102

  1. Genesis2703 Pointless

    I haven't made one of these in awhile so I thought I'd try and make a habit out of it <<

    In a sense the artist I've picked is different to what people are used to from me, but it isn't something I haven't done before (I've actually done similar very recently!). It was a relatively last minute decision as I haven't known about the song for too long!

    Below is a picture clue, a face I'm sure many of you have made listening to my entries in the past... :P

    dan, Pedro, Anaconda and 1 other person like this.
  2. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    Gen sent a male :faint:
    Genesis2703 and NickEmpel like this.
  3. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    TROLL IN THE DUNGEON (as sung like FIRE in the disco)
    sokrates1988 and Anaconda like this.
  4. Julio STRANGLES

  5. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    After a long thinking session, surely it HAS to be this.

    Genesis2703 likes this.
  6. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    Macho Macho Man
    Anaconda and Genesis2703 like this.
  7. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    The PC term is Muggle-born, ofc.
    Genesis2703 likes this.

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