•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Spain 2009


La noche es para mi...

I love it 9 vote(s) 64.3%
I like it 3 vote(s) 21.4%
It's ok 1 vote(s) 7.1%
I hate it 1 vote(s) 7.1%
  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    La noche es para mi is in my top 5:D Spain has to do well this year.
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I F***IN LOVE IT!!! This is like ethno-pop at its best, its firey, energetic, and it has that sort of dark sound to it which makes it even more immense! :P

    Basically ... I LOVE IT!!! It's my second favourite of the year and Spain MUST make the top 10.

    Btw I love the Greek version just as much: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLSSBc_uV38 :D Although it turns out that the Greek version wasn't sung by Elena Paparizou, Chryspa or Sofia Berntson, but an unknown Greek-speaking artist I think. The song writer said something along those lines in an esctime interview anywho :S
  3. Mark New Member

    It's an okay seen it all before esc pop song, sung by a bad singer, the performance was REALLY bad in the NF, it must improve, but I can only see this flopping D'Nash style ... Virginia is better and Mirela ... btw, I don't know when the next time I will be on, because I am banned from the computer - ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFL
  4. tente New Member

    Shake and shake and shake......

    This kind of song has sounded thousand times in esc, but you can´t deny you listen "La noche es para mí" and then you start dancing and shaking!!

    It´s the first time since 2003 Spain sends a "not bad" entry, and Soraya is a very good performer and singer so.....

    I hope you vote her (doesn´t mind she will win or not, I think not) and if you want to vote her, I hope all of you will give a little SHAKE with your hips during spanish performance in Moscow.

  5. I love it, and I hope I'll see Soraya tonight :D
  6. Have fun :D !!!

    I like Spain's entry :) but I over-listened to it...t'is the curse of the uptempo song :P

    And I've been banned from esctoday :( but I'm not going to bother making a new profile, it would just be degrading...
  7. Thanks, Euro Sheep :D It seems that the show won't start until 11 pm :o
  8. calrisle Scrutineer

    The Spanish entry this year puts me in mind of the excitement you used to experience when you were a little kid and you got a paddling pool in the garden in the summer.

    That build up, that expectation, watching your dad fill it up and you're ready to jump in in your swimshorts and then you face the horror and disappointment as you watch your dad start having a massive piss in it, rendering it unusable.

    The excitement of the intro is just wiped away at about six seconds in when you realise it sounds like something you've heard about eighty times before in the last ten years.

    There'd need to be *a lot* of male toplessness in the performance before I would even consider voting for it.
  9. MILKshake  

    well, recently i watched chiara in an interview on news and she said that her favourites are spain and sweden :P...

    i love this year's spanish entry :) rly catchy and nice tune

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