•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Sweden are back !!

  1. Mark New Member

    13 Countries are taking part in JESC, 2 less than before, so more chance for Belgium to win !! :D

    The Countries are:
    Belarus - Next Year's Host
    Georgia - Last Year's Winner
    Ukraine - This Year's Host.

    Sweden are back after 1 year. Bulgaria, Greece and Lithuania have withdrawn so can go and suck eggs. Although Lithuania had a valid reason, I think.

    And quite simply I'm more excited for JESC than ESC this year, simply because the show overall is better, the ESC spirit is still there, it's not all about winning *looks at Bulgaria+Greece* and it's generally great fun - hurah !! and the song quality is normally good too, so if it's like last year, the song quality will defo be better than ESC this year. :D:D Can't Wait !!

    I also believe it will be 50/50 again, to make the voting more fair, it worked more last year, but most countries are ex-sovs, so don't complain that ex-sovs give to ex-sovs ...

    21st November and we get to see the 2005 venue again !! hurah !! *wonders if there is still a dent on stage after Chiara performed there*
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    YAYAYAYAY I'm sooooooooooo happy about Sweden returning!!! If they send something half as decent as Nu Eller Aldrig I shall be wetting myself with excitement *muhaha get the JESC link?*

    And yes more chances for Belgium to win, but unfortunately if they carry on sending the best songs they shall never win lol :P

    I'm a bit dissapointed at the withdrawals .. I can understand Greece as nobody watches it there, and I can understand Lithuania as they simply dont have the funds, but Bulgaria hasn't provided a reason so I shall refuse to recognise them until they give me an explanation obviously :D Apparently next year Belarusian organisers are going to get high profile sponsors for the contest, so they can lower the participation fees and get more countries interested ... apparently they're aiming for 20-25 countries :rolleyes: :o :D
  3. Mark New Member

    Well having a low amount of countries hasn't happened in ESC before - 1970 there were only 12 countries, falling from the average 17/18 countries, and look at ESC now 42 ! Maybe the other Scandies will come back now Sweden have returned again. I do wonder why Sweden have returned? But I think Bulgaria left as they came last, but that's just too sore loserish. I also think Albania would be great at JESC, as they have a lot of young people entering them for ESC like Kejsi and Olta.
  4. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    That is true :) I also reckon Albania would take it really seriously, a bit like Belarus. Tbh I don't know why Sweden have returned, and I don't know exactly why they withdrew in the first place :S Maybe because TV4 aren't taking part in EDC this year (as first they withdrew and then the contest got cancelled anyway lol) they've got room in their budget for JESC :)

    And that reminded me of a comment somebody said last year about the Bulgarian performance ..
    "It was like a cross between Elton John and a PVC fetish" ROFL
  5. Mark New Member

    ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFL !! Maybe Sween pulled out as they didn't do as well as they should, but think they will do better as 50/50 like Malta did last year.... who knows !!

    I've only heard the Russian song once, and it was okay - but the JESc songs are always better on JESC than in the NF - I can't wait ! :D

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