•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Switzerland 2009


What is your opinion of "The Heighest Heights" ?

Immense! - The best thing since sliced bread 4 vote(s) 40.0%
Rather Good :) 3 vote(s) 30.0%
Alright, but i prefered Paolo 3 vote(s) 30.0%
Bad - DJ BoBo was better 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Even Piero & the MusicStars were better than this trash :( 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Kevin New Member

    This year Switzerland is sending Lovebugs with the song "The Heighest Heights"
    What does everyone think of the song:S
    Will it live up to the successfulness of DJ BoBo & Paolo Meneguzzi? :rolleyes:;)
  2. Mina Member with a "past"

    It's ok, I may like it more when I see it live..or less:cool:
  3. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    For me its "rather good" :P Cause although I love the song, for its genre, its not the strongest of songs :rolleyes: But i want it to do well, even if I fear it won't ...
  4. Well, you've asked a tricky question Kev :) I really love this song but for me, "Era Stupendo" is one of the best songs ever! So I voted "it's alright" even though, I rather like it :)
  5. Mark New Member

    ITS AMAZING !! and apparently Lovebugs are amazing live !! So I have no worries !! :D:D It's the best thing since sliced bread !! But I love french bread more !! :D and Patrica Kaas !! :D and What ever bread they have in Estonia, that's even if they eat bread there... they must eat something I suppose...
  6. As Euro Sheep says, it's a tricky question. I love this song but I also loved "Era stupendo" :S I voted immense :)
  7. Kevin New Member

    i saw a vid of them singing it live and they were good ;)
  8. tente New Member


    "The heighest highs" is the coolest song this year, like France in 2008. For sure they´ll classify under 15th, if they get to the final, but.... COOL!!!!!!

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