DO all recall that we are resting the Christmas edition of the contest this year. GOOD old Furnyland will host the second team edition in its place, as most of you (i.e. all of you except Janet) enjoyed the first one. Just like before, I need you to register in advance if you wish to participate, so I can work out how many teams there will be. Also note that, with the exception of Schapensof, you will not be paired with your teammate from T1. The same requirements w.r.t. voting videos, leadership discussions and all that stuff still hold true from T1, with no planned changes to any of the rules or formulae. Your team will also need to design a flag. The pairing draw will take place two weeks from today, on 1st November on 25th October. So you have between now and then to register for the contest by posting a reply here. Please be aware that you will be required to record an audio or video voting clip, just like you did in T1, so please only commit to T2 if you are willing to do this.
It wasn't that I didn't enjoy it; it is just that I feel so awful about letting Julio down Do hold me back someone, such is my eagerness to participate in the 2nd one.