•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

This may come as a shock to you, but....

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    I LOVE 2 Rybak songs, from his new album:o
    These are the songs (he probably wouldn't have won with any of them but anyway:P)

  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    LOL I find them both totally boring! And abandoned reminds me of Let T'Mou :D

    On the other hand I like fairytale more and more with each day, and listen to it quite regularly now :P
  3. Eurovizz Member

    :o:o:o:oMina was it you who wrote that :o:o:o

    Eurovizz is fainting toooo much now!:D
  4. MILKshake  

    i downloaded rybak's album and i liked alot the song "roll with the wind" :D
  5. OMFG you're so lucky Mark isn't here to read that!!! :o:o:o and what exactly is the matter with a song sounding like "Let' tmou"? At least it's not "Neshto shit ke ostane"...:P

    I agree with Milky :) my fave is "Roll With The Wind" and "Song From A Secret Garden" for obvious reasons :D
  6. Mina Member with a "past"

    LOL well, I said I love the songs, not him:P
    I never liked Fairytale much, it always reminded me of junior eurovision..but these 2 I find very emotional..especially 13 horses is awesome.
  7. Alex Identified Flying Object

    Minaaa! You seem to have a great taste!!! 13 horses is the latest masterpiece i have heard!! The lyrics are more than wow and totally tragic!! I hated the up-tempo songs of this album tho...:o
  8. CTP Jass hater

    I liked Fairytale, and a few other songs off his new album, but 13 horses didn't do anything for me I'm afraid.
  9. Aaron N Moof master

    Omg..... 13 horses make me want to cut myself its sooo depressing.....

    but the other one is ok-ish :P
  10. tine New Member

    "Funny little world" is no 1 in norway now.

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