•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Where did you hear about escChat.com?

  1. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Please post here either how you found out about escChat.com or who referred you to this bastion of freedom? :D
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    OMG this is so awesome!! :P:D:o
  3. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Btw we should all be really careful about who (or what!?!?!) finds out about this thingy cause we don't want tonnes uh nutty Turkish spammers telling us how we're "crazy for hadise"!! :P

    I'm craaaaazy for Hadise!
    ISTANBUL 2010 <3<3<3<3
  5. Mark New Member

    AH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a turkish spammer !!!!!!!!!! *runs and hides*
  6. Aaron N Moof master

    oh god the spammers are here lol!!!

    and to anwser the topic question two words.... La Mark LMAO!!! :D
  7. Mina Member with a "past"

    I had a dream about it:o
  8. Mark New Member

    Wow, I had a dream on how Rybak+Slutlana were making love and then got ran over by a bus together !!
  9. OMG, I had a dream too - ETV completely ruined "Rändajad" by ditching Sandra and getting in some blond ho, translating the lyrics into English and turning it into Pop-Rock...when I woke up I had to check "is it true?" :o

    And I don't know how I found this site, I think Stew or Kevin or JW or Milky posted a link in one of the huge chats we were having on MSN and voilà! I love it so the next time I am in your country (talking to the creators of the site) let me know and I will give you the blowjob of your dreams...buahahaha, sorry for being crude but I'm just so grateful! Long live La ESCchat.com! :D

    btw, how did Miloš/destruct find the site?
  10. MILKshake &nbsp;

    btw, how did Miloš/destruct find the site?


    we told destruct on MSN about this site and we thought that he could change his attitude and then we gave him a chance to be here :o but he was a t^^d as he was before :D so he is banned :o
  11. Mark New Member

    ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFL !! Poor Milos !! :D:D:D What a stupid moose !

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