Greetings Avalon! We in Sheepmark wish to extend our gratitude for your kindness and for helping us to turn a dream, which started all the way back in the first edition, into a reality today. The theme of our contest is The Return To Innocence, to the true spirit of the contest, before it took over and consumed the site and all of it's core members. As such, we have drawn up a list of people who have (or did) contribute highly to the ethos and spirit of escChat, they will be the only ones allowed to compete in this edition. I would like to point out that this is no reflection of what I feel about people personally. Countries allowed to take part in this edition: - Hexelbourg - Jacuvia - Ard el Maganin - Dhakan - Arbania - State of the Ark - Støkkanslåndet - Kiermakistan - MILKlands - Black Daisystan - Hatican City - Drapania - Barborderlos - Cosmos - Kristonia - Furnyland - Nova Nova Scotia - LuLuLand - Andropia - Novterbia - San Minino - Davis Island - Lusitânia - Safinette - Mamoland - Atlântico Norte - Eigerland - Moofistan - Fireflance - Wodongaria - Portugalia Countries who will not be taking part due to a lack of effort to integrate: - ColdIsland - La Isla Bonita - Slavikdravia - Violet Passport Once again, I re-iterate this will only be for one edition and does not reflect my personal feelings towards 'members' of escChat. If you wish to raise a complaint with my rationale, kindly keep it to yourself. All entries to be sent to: [email protected] The deadline will be this Friday the 27th of November 2009, please ensure your entry complies with the general rules of and Sheepmark will have the final say as to whether your song is suitable. The voting windows will be announced when all the entries have been received. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. We would also like to take the opportunity to inform you this will be Sheepmark's final participation in the contest. That is all.
too bad arbana is not on the "accepted" list.. anyway.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE (x100) this "back to the roots" thing.... ahhhhh how i missed.. the easy "send in song, listen to songs, vote, results" way ahh im so happy atm...# (jw i ofc liked ur way of doing it as well) but i jst love this soo much....
The number of entries received currently stands at: Be in chat at 18:00 (UK time) on Saturday evening to find out the full list of countries competing and those all important entries!
Thank you! Arbana is on the accepted list. Anyway, I am pleased that we have the opportunity to return to our roots in an effort to unite chat once more. It was my pleasure, thank *you* for sending such a great song
Yay the contest is back well and truly! As soon as I work out an entry to send i'll send it, and good luck to everybody However please don't let this be your last contest, Sheep!
well we share one laptop for now but i promise she will "contribute"more when i have time to send my pc to tech.service(i cant do now as my life is kinda hectic atm) "Anyway, I am pleased that we have the opportunity to return to our roots in an effort to unite chat once more." totally agreed!we like eachother,share many things,love the chat&contest n me thinks we still can unite n work this out(i feel like ill continue my speech like i have a dream ) fingers crossed for our refreshed contest (Furnylands editions have a special place in my heart forever ofc)
Attention all participating nations! You may use this thread for the promotion of your entries. Merry musings!
The Hatican City entry is performed by a Danish group that has had reasonable recent success in Europe. The song incorporates many 90's influences.
Well, keeping with the theme of "Return to Innocence", Black Daisystan is reminiscing back to the old days and sending a piece of truly infectious pop-rock I suppose it's closer to pop than rock, however the guitars are still very prominent! However unlike previous pop-rock Black Daisy entries I do actually believe this is a very good pop song, whereas before I did love the songs even if a few of them were a tad dodgy Much like the escChat's favourite Aussie, Cassie Davis, this song is performed by an Australian, and did very well in the Australian charts, so the chances are Chris P & Liam will know it But still, don't let the comparism to Cassie Davis put you off! Give it a chance s'il vous plait Good luck everybody
I am intrigued I do wonder what it could be. Reminiscing? The Old days? Exactly what do you call the old days? lol
Basically, when it was acceptable for Black Daisystan to send absolute rubbish Unfortunately Cassie Davis and her AMAZING 31st place, kinda killed that. So we're gonna come back with a bang and some truly shite-pop-rock, except this time its actually decent.
San Minino is sending a pop rock song performed by an Australian artist who had also written the song. It's melancholic but there's some optimism in it, too. The singer is famous in Australia and in several European countries and she's also had some success in America. I believe most people in this forum know of her and some may even know the song.
State of the Ark has selected a song by a Nordic rock band. The singer is not Nordic though - he's not even European - and he's better known as the lead singer of another non-European rock band This song was a huge hit in the US. The video is a bit weird, "freaky and surreal" the producer said
Støkkanslåndet's entry this time around is an infectious song from 1989, with one of the most intriguing videos I know of, from a Scottish duo. The song itself is quite optimistic and upbeat. Apparently, Kikki Danielsson has made a cover version of this song