•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Announcing the First Ever JECSC!!!

  1. calrisle Scrutineer

    The results of the Davis Island jury have been put in front of the TVD SCRUTINEER, who cast his eye across them briefly before initialing them to indicate his approval.

    As such, they have been submitted to the host.

  2. Almila i am what i am

    safinette has sent its votes.we r so happy after hearin new gud songs n lovely flashbacks.n finally thx lusitania for the 5points
  3. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Voting Update...

    We are in the homestretch now! We are awaiting the points from just two countries, then we can announce the results! Only Sheepmark & Fusonia have yet to vote.

    Soon a winner will be announced! Stay tuned!
  4. And the votes from Sheepmark are in :D :D :D

    Normally, we are among the last nations to submit our points, so hopefully the results will be revealed quite soon!

    Good luck and best wishes to all who took part! ;)

  5. Almila i am what i am

    yay!we will know the winner after fusonias votes but we have to wait for that until sunday.gud luck everyone!
  6. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    All votes are in!

    Fusonia sent us their votes just 30 mins ago! Televisão Lusitânia 1, in conjuction with the ECBU and the official vote counters: Digalon (Digame in Avalon). We will announce the winners tomorrow at 14:00 BST. Good luck to all!
  7. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero


    On behalf of Televisão Lusitânia 1 (TVL1), and the ECBU, I would like to announce the winners of the first Ever Junior EscChat Song Contest!!! Much thanks to all who took part, and thanks again for your patience as this was my first time hosting and coordinating a contest. (Note: as I did not have Flyer's proper country name at the time of creating the scoreboard, Cosmos is listed as "Westonia".)

    Special thanks to:
    MILKshake: for the original JECSC logo that appeared in the thread
    dw-s: For the awesome logo that appears as background for the scoreboard

    And finally, thanks to everyone who took part and made this an enjoyable enterprise. To those I possibly angered during this process (you know who you are): I humbly apologise, I was having tobacco withdrawl at the time :)

    Enjoy the results!!!
  8. LMFAO!!! :D :D :D JECSC ftw!
  9. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots


    and thanks for everyone who voted (or didn't) for fireflance :D:D:D:D:D
  10. Almila i am what i am

    yay viva jecsc!btw u know what im gonna ask im on mobile for the billionth time can u tell me who the winner is n where have i ended?thx in advance
  11. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Almila's results

    Almila...check your private messages or your wall here...I sent you your results :D
  12. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    O - M - G This is the best winner we've had in any of our contest EVER!!!!!! Congrattttttsss minaaaaaaa!!! :D

    PS, Thank you to Fusonia, NNS, Safinette, Sheepmark, MILKlands, Novertbia, Davis Island, Westonia, Jen, Lululand & San Minino for voting for us :D And everybody else for at least listening to our song!! :D

    PSS, Este you did a truly immense job!!! Thank you sooooo much :)
  13. Almila i am what i am

    yay!thank u este!!!wohooo i loved the results-from what i know-congratulations to san minino! two notes on this contest first obviously me n mina r far from being mature as we r more successfull in jecsc lol second i gave my 12pts to sheepmark for the lovely flashback n thank u so much for takin me way back to my teenage years.i gave my 10 pts to black daisystan and also thank u so much caus ur song was the shinin star of the contest n definately my fav but 12 was reserved by an oldie caus i have a weakness about them but i really really loved ur song n finally thanks to everyone who voted for safinette!
  14. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    A special thank youuuu to Almila for the 10 points! :D & lol don't worry about it, any points at all are a blessing as far as Black Daisystan is concerned! :D
  15. Thank you so much my lovely Almila :) :D for your comments and your 12, nostalgia is a good thing!
  16. Patte Member


    Congrats san Minimo and Mina :) I am back today but i will go tomorrow again :) . All had great songs, and i really liked some songs, Milklands song was very coool :D I hope i can join next time :D

    Hugs too everyone :)
  17. Mina Member with a "past"


    I didn't expect this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*faints*
    Thank you so much everyone who voted for me:D:D:D:D:D

    PS Jonny, you had said you would adopt an African child if I won...don't think I forgot! I'll be waiting to learn news about that:P
  18. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    **(Sh*t's self!!!)**

    Well i've put plans in place :D Basically I was thinking of doing a madonna-style kidnapping, and grabbing the first one I see. I'm going to call it Gertrude regardless of gender ... in fact .... i've already decided I want THIS ONE!!!

    Adorable :D
  19. LMFAO!!!!!!

    Remember, Somalia or Ethiopia is your best bet ;)
  20. CTP Jass hater

    On behalf of Støkkanslåndet, I'd like to thank all of those who voted for us, and send our congratulations to the winners, San Minino.

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