•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!


  1. Eurovizz Member

    ENVY ME, I got the autographs of Kristina (Slovakia) and the Finnish girls right outside Oslo Plaza Hotel today:) Such nice people, they were really surprised that there were actually people coming to ask them for autographs. I was originally only looking for Kristina's autograph lol but since my friend who was with me is half Finnish, we asked them for autographs as well :)

    It's a shame that it is raining here in Oslo, although the temperature is pretty high. The hotel entrance is decorated with lots of Eurovision banners etc, it looks pretty awesome. :)Also, since there have been rigged lots of tivolis and outdoor turkish and thai food streets some meters away from the hotel, the girls said they would go out tonight and experience it ;D They said they thought they were on a summer/party vacation in Spain or something since they saw lots of fun activities ongoing in the streets in prior of our national day.

    Me and my friend wanted to wait for more participants but it rained and we were quite frankly a bit exhausted, lol. So we bought some turkish food and now we're at home :) But I may go out tonight in the overcrowded streets again, since it's open 24/7 until our national day on monday ;) There is also a Turkish wailing dance competition there, lol but I am not gonna join ofc, but it looks fun with lots of music :)

    This is fascinating. :)
  2. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

  3. Alex Identified Flying Object

  4. Eurovizz Member

    Okey, lol. *rolls eyes*
  5. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch


    Disappointment :(

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