•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Barbara Dex Award 2009

  1. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    good for hungary!! they really deserved it!!
  2. CTP Jass hater

    Well, I'd forgotten about Hungary... and once I looked up old Zoli, then yeah, fair enough... Congratulations Hungary!
  3. Stine Mendez New Member

    Honestly, there were very few "losers" this year... as always. :D
    Hungary was best though. He raised the bar for every future disco-lovin..ehm..hunk...?
    Honorable mention to Czech Republic, and IMO Sakis. Sure the shirt would have been nice, if he had found it in the right size. :P
  4. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    they were making a comment about that in a greek show! they said "it had the right length" so you know what the greeks thought of his (now torn) shirt!

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