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Country Nights 2010

  1. alexis9000 Member

    I'm surprised no one wanted Ukraine. In that case I think I'll take it as well, if that's ok.
  2. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    Hi guys. Unless I am mistaken, I believe that these are the only countries that noone has requested. I thought it was worth mentioning because three of them will happen fairly soon.

    :ge: Georgia
    :am: Armenia
    :bg: Bulgaria
    :ch: Switzerland
  3. Eurovizz Member

    Sorry, but as announced yesterday (no one noticed though), I must give away Norway as a free spot again. I just got the news at school that I have been picked up as one of few who are going to fulfill this year's oral and written exam in Economics. Unfortunaly, it's the freaking same week as I will host the Norwegian night for you guys and my oral exam is on the exact date.

    Sorry again.. :( I must prepare for my exam work on that week, I know I won't prepare for a good show after school on the 15th because the chances for me being exhausted and tired when arriving at my appartment on that day are very high. :(

    Loved Cyprus Night
  5. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.


    Jack has had to leave, and as he was in charge of the country nights, he had the full up to date list of who was hosting each one. We don't have that.

    So people, please reconfirm which contest nights you want based on the ones marked "FREE" in the original list. Additionally all Jack-hosted nights are also vacant.
  6. Mina Member with a "past"

    Greece and Armenia for me please ;D


    Turkey would be lovely. Ta.

    I ask for a lot...

    Since Jack left, I would love to take over Croatia.
    I would also like Norway, Slovenia, Malta, Belgium and Switzerland.
    The case with Switzerland will be quite special. JW will host the night, but I prepared it. I hope you are all okay with that?

    I have plenty of time to do it, so donĀ“t worry about a bad show, the shows will be great, I promise!

    Furkan Cinar night as well please. Ta much.
  10. Arben The Flag Lover


    al, ser, ger
  11. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    May I please have:

    :ge: Georgia
    :md: Moldova
    :pl: Poland
    :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina

    I will give one up of them up if we run out of nights and someone didn't get one, but I'd quite like to keep :ba:. ;D
  12. alexis9000 Member

    I took Turkey first -_-
  13. alexis9000 Member

    Portugal, Ukraine and also Ireland.
  14. Stewart SOD ME HARD AND FAST

    Oh. It was not officialised though. Plus I am only asking for 2 nights. Please share. Ta.
  15. alexis9000 Member

    Yeah right. Like we should lose the countries just because jack couldn't be here.

    Fine...take your baby Turkey...but I'll take Slovenia on it's place.
  16. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Nick already took Slovenia.
  17. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    As jw already told you, Alexis9000, I already have Slovenia. Read before you post please!
  18. alexis9000 Member

    Well actually I've read it already but I couldnt find Slovenia anywhere, so sorry for that...but I want at least 4 countries, I dont wanna loose one just because jack wasnt here, I dont accept that.
  19. Stewart SOD ME HARD AND FAST

    Excuse me but why should you be entitled to FOUR countries? Learn to share kthxbai.
  20. alexis9000 Member

    There are other people entitled to more than four, so why shouldn't I entitle to four?

    I have my right.

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