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ESC 2010: New price tag - over 25 million euro

  1. Eurovizz Member

    NRK has today announced that they've decided to increase the money from the specific amount that was the actual price tag for organizing ESC 2010. The first official price tag was on 17 million euros (150 mill krones). Now NRK has decided to use 25 million euros (211 mill krones) for the Eurovision-budget instead. This edition will then be ca 8 million euros (70 mill krones) more expensive than the Helsinki edition.


  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Whoaaa thats alot :o I know Moscow was still like, 15 million more than that but we all knew the Russians were gonna go all out anyway. :P Ah well, NRK will probably still produce a great show regardless :)

    Although the thing is, a great show can be produced on a relatively small budget. The Helsinki budget was like €13 million or somewhere thereabouts, and the Athens one was even smaller, it was like €6 million or something, and both countries made a profit out of hosting the show.

    Having said that when watching Athens, and then watching Moscow the huge difference in budgets is very apparent, just from the sheer size of the stage and interval acts and stuff ... but the Athens show was still great and a great show can be easily produced on a small budget :) My favourite stage (Helsinki) had a small budget in comparism to Moscow and Belgarde, and the show was very professional and modern, so I suppose its just knowing where to spend the money wisely :)

    Anyway, good luck to NRK :)
  3. CTP Jass hater

    Blimey... I wouldn't want to be a Norwegian this year, that money has to come from somewhere... The European economy had better pick up, as half the countries in the contest would struggle if they had to pay that sort of figure...

    As for comparing stages... to be honest, the worlds best stage turns to crap if you have an ordinary performer on it. I'd rather have a performance that I enjoy than a great stage. Somewhere along the line, countries are going to have to start spending less, the costs are getting out of control. It will end up being a contest for rich countries only.
  4. Eurovizz Member

    Very true. Our culture minister has signalized that the government would not give out more money unless they get approved by NRK to higher our taxes for the license of having NRK in our tv screens. The license is already very expensive, and people who don't like Eurovision at all will be forced to pay extra taxes as well. Our taxes in general are very high, and there's a reason that over 90 % in every newspaper polls ATM about this issue do not wish to increase the tv taxes just for Eurovision.

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