•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

EscChat Sims!!!

  1. What do you expect? The cat is based on moi :D naturally it would be an evil serial killer (of mice and other small animals)

    Congrats Este, lovin' it :D :D :D
  2. Mina Member with a "past"

    OMG I LOVE it!!!!!!!! If she was a couple shades lighter and her hair longer, she could be my twin sister and I have skirt/blouse/shoes exactly like those..scary:o
    As for Willie looooooool my baby often has that evil look even though he's a sweetheart.:cool:

    And you look pretty cool, too, Este;)
  3. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    More sims finished!!!

    Only a few more sims to make (João, Almila and need to redo Stew). Here are the newest ones...

    Aaron Newton

    Kevin Knight

    Anette Devine (Stockholm Calling)

    Williamson family
    (left to right) Constantinos, Kristiina, Patte, Jonathan, Oliver, Jonny (kneeling) & Mark
    Cat: Monrose
  4. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    omg!! i look like a nerd without glasses!!!
  5. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    LOL very good este, not so sure abou the dodgy sandals but its awesome nonetheless :D LOL I love Mark's one to, & I think annette's is spot on, very sophisticated :)
  6. Very good, Este. I love them all :D

    That dress looks great ;) (My hair is slightly darker, though)
  7. Kristiina sxesov q.f

    Nice ones, Este!
  8. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    Neighborhood: Kirby's Curb
    Sign: Taurus
    Skin tone: 2
    Hair color: black
    Eye color: brown
    Sim age: young adult
    Turn ons: artistic
    Turn offs: body odor
    personality: shy but with a dirty sense of humor :)
    profession: pick anything you want :)
    hobbies: music, drawing
    aspirations: romance, family
  9. Patte Member

    Very good este :P Thought i have mutch longer hair :) And i only wear black and white clothes. But its awsome xD, Stockholm calling looks very anettish xD good work este :)
  10. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

  11. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    What about my sim? :(
  12. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Final sims...(almost)

    These are the three most recent sims to be created. Sadly I left out Chris E. so his will be the LAST sim I create...

    Luis De La Cruz

    João Liveira

    David "Porn Star" Stock

  13. Kevin New Member

    ROFL!!!!! omg that IS david
  14. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    I had Chris all along...

    It turns out I just forgot to upload the picture, but here it is...

    Chris Ellaby

    next post of mine will start showing everyone's homes...
  15. Almila i am what i am

    wupiii!im so curious about my playboy mans erm house:P
  16. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Ok...the first photos and storyline of Europaville!

    Ok kiddies! Here is the grand unveiling of the first photos and storyline for Europaville...

    The basement of the apartment building that Estêvão, Mina, Aaron & Anette all live in.

    Estêvão teaching Baixa a new trick: "Shake"...oops...look's like someone needs to clean up their dirty plate!

    Anette offering Mina make-up tips.

    Not knowing how to cook, Anette orders pizza on her first day in her apartment.

    Anette watching Martha Stewart to learn how to cook.

    Anette's first attempt at making pancakes ends in disaster when she sets her stove on fire!!! Maybe she should stick to ordering pizza.

    Anette furious over her noisy neighbour Aaron.

    Anette slaps Aaron while Estêvão does nothing to stop her.

    Aaron returns the favour and slaps Anette!

    After the fight, Anette walks away, pleased that Aaron is crying. Estêvão feels terrible that he didn't do anything to stop the fight.

    The buffest badass this side of Bjorn Borg!

    Where was Mina during the fight? She was busy playing peek-a-boo with the fish in the aquarium.

    Later that evening, three of the tennants enjoy the communal hot tub.

    More to come soon!!!
  17. Eurovizz Member

    Star sign: Sagittarius
    Skin tone: 2
    Hair colour: Brown
    Eye colour: Brown/Green
    Sim age: Young Adult (secondary school)
    Turns on: Charismatic, Athletic, Fitness
    Turns off: Fatness, Unemployed, Zombies
    Personality: Extrovert and understandable
    Profession: Professional Fitness Manager
    Hobbies: Talking, going out with friends, training (especially at the beach)
    Aspiration: Family and happiness
    Look: Thin, tall, long hair,
    Make up: beige foundation, neutral pink rouge, black mascara, brown eyeshadows and light-pink lipgloss
  18. Almila i am what i am

    yay eurovizz is in haha

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