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esctoday-chat is open again

  1. Eurovizz Member



    RUSSIA !!
  2. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    AHHHH!!! Hey how come you got banned?! :S
  3. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    That oikotimes - ooops, sorry, esctoday - chat is really hideous :D

    Ours is so much better :D :D


  5. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    OMFG We all know why they've done it, to stop the immense growth of this incredible website which they are amazingly jealous of!

    EDIT: Oh I just checked it, like jw said its just the oiko chat basically and its kinda shitty cos u have to listen to whatever videos they put on there which is annoying. A simple chat like ours is obv a billion times better than theirs.
  6. Arben The Flag Lover

    omfg they just simply used the idea of oiko....BIG MINUS....

    This is not the best chat anymore: Better now, its THE ONE and ONLY ESCchat for me and in general....

    somehow i want esctoday to ban me, but then again, why should they?
  7. calrisle Scrutineer

    My close associate John McPissytits informs me it's rubbish in there anyway. John's dog died last night whilst he was chatting in there, and he says everyone apart from some guy named Peter was really unsympathetic. I mean, this dog has a blue liquid coming from its eyes and mouth and was lying lifeless on his kitchen floor. He tells me that as he was trying to ask people for help and advice, they all stonewalled him. He was really very terribly upset about it all.

    They're a harsh crowd with a lousy website, and if I was ever in John's shoes, I know the cool kids at escchat.com would be kind and supportive.

    John's dog was called Jackie Woodburne, named after the actress that plays Susan Kennedy in Neighbours. I'm sure everyone here will join me in wishing John and Jackie Woodburne the very best at this difficult time.
  8. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!! :o:o:o

    The new esctoday chat is rubbish. I much prefer this one. 8-D

    Let's all get banned on esctoday!!!!!!! (so in other words, lets all go and post any comment)
  9. Eurovizz Member

    AAAAAAAAAHHHH !!!!! The guys wrote right after when I was banned: Hey, who got banned? The first bann of the year !! muhaha

    GREAT .. why me?

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