•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Malmö!

Eurovision 2012 Betting Results

  1. Julio STRANGLES

    So basically I will post and update everyday the betting of the Eurovision 2012 so we can compare who goes up or down etc. feel free to add your opinions, so this is how it stands now:

    01 - :se: Sweden
    02 - :ru: Russia
    03 - :rs: Serbia
    04 - :dk: Denmark
    05 - :ie: Ireland

    06 - :no: Norway
    07 - :uk: UK
    08 - :de: Germany
    09 - :gr: Greece
    10 - :cy: Cyprus

    11 - :is: Iceland
    12 - :tr: Turkey
    13 - :it: Italy
    14 - :es: Spain
    15 - :az: Azerbaijan

    16 - :ro: Romania
    17 - :ua: Ukraine
    18 - :ee: Estonia
    19 - :si: Slovenia
    20 - :lt: Lithuania

    21 - :am: Armenia
    22 - :ch: Switzerland
    23 - :hu: Hungary
    24 - :md: Moldova
    25 - :fr: France

    26 - :at: Austria
    27 - :fi: Finland
    28 - :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina
    29 - :by: Belarus
    30 - :il: Israel

    31 - :bg: Bulgaria
    32 - :sk: Slovakia
    33 - :pt: Portugal
    34 - :hr: Croatia
    35 - :be: Belgium

    36 - :mk: FYR Macedonia
    37 - :lv: Latvia
    38 - :al: Albania
    39 - :nl: Holland
    40 - :mt: Malta

    41 - :ge: Georgia
    42 - :me: Montenegro
    43 - :sm: San Marino
    jw likes this.
  2. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Poor San Marino, how can they be last when we don't know the artist or song? :(
  3. Gian My avatar is fat and frumpy

    Lol, I just realised why they are last ^_^
  4. And how can Sweden be 1st for the same reason o_O
  5. Lilly.. Y U NO ALIEN?

    At least Albania is not last in this case.
    And btw , Sweden might be 1st if they send Loreen.
  6. James ... and his things xD

    This is kinda ridiculous (not the thread ofc). 5 of the 10 countries in top 10 havent even decided their song.
    pepepaez and Luis DLC like this.
  7. Julio STRANGLES

    Today Ranking with ''-'' for the ones that dropped, ''+'' for the ones that climbed and ''='' for the ones that kept the same position.

    = 01 - :se: Sweden
    = 02 - :ru: Russia
    = 03 - :rs: Serbia
    = 04 - :dk: Denmark
    = 05 - :ie: Ireland

    = 06 - :no: Norway
    = 07 - :uk: UK
    = 08 - :de: Germany
    + 09 - :is: Iceland (climbed 2 positions)
    + 10 - :tr: Turkey (climbed 2 positions)

    - 11 - :cy: Cyprus (dropped 1 position)
    - 12 - :gr: Greece (dropped 3 positions)
    + 13 - :es: Spain (climbed 1 position)
    + 14 - :az: Azerbaijan (climbed 1 position)
    - 15 - :it: Italy (dropped 2 positions)

    = 16 - :ro: Romania
    = 17 - :ua: Ukraine
    = 18 - :ee: Estonia
    = 19 - :si: Slovenia
    = 20 - :lt: Lithuania

    = 21 - :am: Armenia
    = 22 - :ch: Switzerland
    + 23 - :fr: France (climbed 2 positions)
    - 24 - :hu: Hungary (dropped 1 position)
    + 25 - :by: Belarus (climbed 4 positions)

    - 26 - :md: Moldova (dropped 2 positions)
    - 27 - :at: Austria (dropped 1 position)
    - 28 - :fi: Finland (dropped 1 position)
    - 29 - :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina (dropped 1 position)
    = 30 - :il: Israel

    = 31 - :bg: Bulgaria
    = 32 - :sk: Slovakia
    + 33 - :hr: Croatia (climbed 1 position)
    - 34 - :pt: Portugal (dropped 1 position)
    = 35 - :be: Belgium

    = 36 - :mk: FYR Macedonia
    + 37 - :al: Albania (climbed 1 position)
    - 38 - :lv: Latvia (dropped 1 position)
    = 39 - :nl: Holland
    = 40 - :mt: Malta

    = 41 - :ge: Georgia
    = 42 - :me: Montenegro
    = 43 - :sm: San Marino

    Obv Cyprus dropped because of Ivi's live performance.... that was horrible.
    Julio likes this.
  9. adamacs RUTH DAVIDSON FOR PM.

    interestingly, the top 26 could all potentially be in the same final: 6 of them are auto qualifiers, and the remaining 20 are split 10 from each semi - I would not expect such an even outcome
  10. Gian My avatar is fat and frumpy

    OMG, I have never thought this would ever happen
  11. Mina Member with a "past"

    Just wait for the Russian nf and Russia will be 1st :whistle:
  12. Julio STRANGLES

    The betting stands like this today:

    = 01 - :se: Sweden
    = 02 - :ru: Russia
    = 03 - :rs: Serbia
    = 04 - :dk: Denmark
    = 05 - :ie: Ireland

    = 06 - :no: Norway
    = 07 - :uk: UK
    = 08 - :de: Germany
    = 09 - :is: Iceland
    + 10 - :cy: Cyprus (climbed 1 position)

    - 11 - :tr: Turkey (dropped 1 position)
    = 12 - :gr: Greece
    = 13 - :es: Spain
    = 14 - :az: Azerbaijan
    = 15 - :it: Italy

    = 16 - :ro: Romania
    = 17 - :ua: Ukraine
    = 18 - :ee: Estonia
    = 19 - :si: Slovenia
    + 20 - :am: Armenia (climbed 1 position)

    - 21 - :lt: Lithuania (dropped 1 position)
    = 22 - :ch: Switzerland
    + 23 - :hu: Hungary (climbed 1 position)
    + 24 - :md: Moldova (climbed 2 positions)
    + 25 - :fi: Finland (climbed 3 positions)

    - 26 - :fr: France (dropped 3 positions)
    = 27 - :at: Austria
    - 28 - :by: Belarus (dropped 3 positions)
    + 29 - :bg: Bulgaria (climbed 2 positions)
    - 30 - :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina (dropped 1 position)

    - 31 - :il: Israel (dropped 1 position)
    = 32 - :sk: Slovakia
    + 33 - :pt: Portugal (climbed 1 position)
    - 34 - :hr: Croatia (dropped 1 position)
    + 35 - :al: Albania (climbed 2 positions)

    - 36 - :be: Belgium (dropped 1 position)
    - 37 - :mk: FYR Macedonia (dropped 1 position)
    = 38 - :lv: Latvia
    + 39 - :me: Montenegro (climbed 3 positions)
    - 40 - :nl: Holland (dropped 1 position)

    = 41 - :ge: Georgia
    - 42 - :mt: Malta (dropped 2 positions)
    = 43 - :sm: San Marino
  13. Mina Member with a "past"

    Juli, I don't know if you've dealt with bets before but it will be very hard to keep up with them, they change daily and this will continue until the final..even during the final! You need lots of patience :o
  14. Julio STRANGLES

    i know they keep changing :P but at least it's a way to keep forum update ans easier for people to compare it here than on the betting site plus ofc i only update it once per day i won't change every time there is a change on them :P
  15. Mina Member with a "past"

    As long as you change it when Sweden finally drops from the 1st place ^_^
  16. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    And when Russia finally drops from 2nd place.
  17. Mina Member with a "past"

    No comment on that...I'll wait to see what they choose 1st :sneaky:
  18. Julio STRANGLES

    Today rankings:

    = 01 - :se: Sweden
    = 02 - :ru: Russia
    = 03 - :rs: Serbia
    = 04 - :dk: Denmark
    = 05 - :ie: Ireland

    = 06 - :no: Norway
    = 07 - :uk: UK
    = 08 - :de: Germany
    = 09 - :is: Iceland
    + 10 - :es: Spain (climbed 3 positions)

    - 11 - :cy: Cyprus (dropped 1 position)
    - 12 - :tr: Turkey (dropped 1 position)
    - 13 - :gr: Greece (dropped 1 position)
    + 14 - :ro: Romania (climbed 2 positions)
    = 15 - :it: Italy

    - 16 - :az: Azerbaijan (dropped 2 positions)
    = 17 - :ua: Ukraine
    = 18 - :ee: Estonia
    + 19 - :am: Armenia (climbed 1 position) (rofl)
    - 20 - :si: Slovenia (dropped 1 position)

    = 21 - :lt: Lithuania
    = 22 - :ch: Switzerland
    + 23 - :sk: Slovakia (climbed 9 positions)
    + 24 - :fr: France (climbed 3 positions)
    + 25 - :at: Austria (climbed 3 positions)

    - 26 - :hu: Hungary (dropped 3 positions)
    - 27 - :md: Moldova (dropped 3 positions)
    + 28 - :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina (climbed 2 positions)
    - 29 - :by: Belarus (dropped 1 position)
    - 30 - :bg: Bulgaria (dropped 1 position)

    - 31 - :fi: Finland (dropped 6 positions)
    - 32 - :il: Israel (dropped 1 position)
    + 33 - :lv: Latvia (climbed 5 positions)
    - 34 - :pt: Portugal (dropped 1 position)
    - 35 - :hr: Croatia (dropped 1 position)

    - 36 - :al: Albania (dropped 1 position)
    - 37 - :be: Belgium (dropped 1 position)
    - 38 - :mk: FYR Macedonia (dropped 1 position)
    + 39 - :nl: Holland (climbed 1 position)
    - 40 - :me: Montenegro (dropped 1 position)

    = 41 - :ge: Georgia
    = 42 - :mt: Malta
    = 43 - :sm: San Marino
  19. Julio STRANGLES

    biggest positive notice goes to slovakia climbed 9 positions, latvia that climbed 5 and spain that managed a top 10. the biggest negative goes to finland that dropped 6 positions. and also to mention the climb of armenia even when they are out :P
  20. Julio STRANGLES

    today bets:

    = 01 - :se: Sweden
    = 02 - :ru: Russia
    = 03 - :rs: Serbia
    = 04 - :dk: Denmark
    + 05 - :no: Norway (climbed 1 position)

    - 06 - :ie: Ireland (dropped 1 position)
    = 07 - :uk: UK
    = 08 - :de: Germany
    + 09 - :es: Spain (climbed 1 position)
    - 10 - :is: Iceland (dropped 1 position)

    + 11 - :gr: Greece (climbed 2 positions)
    - 12 - :cy: Cyprus (dropped 1 position)
    - 13 - :tr: Turkey (dropped 1 position)
    + 14 - :it: Italy (climbed 1 position)
    - 15 - :ro: Romania (dropped 1 position)

    = 16 - :az: Azerbaijan
    = 17 - :ua: Ukraine
    = 18 - :ee: Estonia
    = 19 - :am: Armenia
    = 20 - :si: Slovenia

    = 21 - :lt: Lithuania
    + 22 - :fr: France (climbed 2 positions)
    = 23 - :sk: Slovakia
    - 24 - :ch: Switzerland (dropped 2 positions)
    = 25 - :at: Austria

    + 26 - :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina (climbed 2 positions)
    - 27 - :hu: Hungary (dropped 1 position)
    + 28 - :by: Belarus (climbed 1 position)
    + 29 - :fi: Finland (climbed 2 positions)
    - 30 - :md: Moldova (dropped 3 positions)

    - 31 - :bg: Bulgaria (dropped 1 position)
    = 32 - :il: Israel
    = 33 - :lv: Latvia
    = 34 - :pt: Portugal
    = 35 - :hr: Croatia

    + 36 - :be: Belgium (climbed 1 position)
    - 37 - :al: Albania (dropped 1 position)
    = 38 - :mk: FYR Macedonia
    = 39 - :nl: Holland
    + 40 - :ge: Georgia (climbed 1 position)

    - 41 - :me: Montenegro (dropped 1 position)
    = 42 - :mt: Malta
    = 43 - :sm: San Marino

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