•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Georgia 2019

  1. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    Georgia is employing a complicated system this year to select their Eurovision entry. Here is how I understood it works:

    * Songwriters of any nationality were able to submit their song entries from 21 December 2018 to 1 February 2019. GPB received over 200 entries, and a seven-member selection committee cut down all of the submissions to three songs. One of these songs will be their final entry.
    * Georgian Idol will be used to select their artist for 2019.Ten contestants started the journey mid-January, and have been narrowed down, over six weeks, to four finalists.

    The four finalists could choose any of the 3 pre-selected songs to present in the final of the Georgian Idol 2019, which is taking place tonight at 6pm WIM.

    This is the line-up (final performances):
    1. Giorgi NakashidzeSul Tsin Iare [Go Ahead]
    2. Liza KalandadzeSevdisperi Zgva [Silent Sea]
    3. Oto Nemsadze Sul Tsin Iare [Go Ahead]
    4. Giorgi PruidzeMe Mjera [I Believe]

    The winner of Georgian Idol will be decided entirely by public voting.

    Link to the show: https://1tv.ge/show/saqartvelos-varskvlavi/
    James and Ronini like this.
  2. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    Oto Nemsadze won the Georgian Idol 2019 and will represent Georgia at the ESC 2019 with his song Sul Tsin Iare:


    I added the links to the rest of the songs in the original post above. My favourite was pb Giorgi Pruidze, the only one with a different and actually very catchy song.

    Detailed results for tonight:

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