•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Goodbye everyone!

  1. Liam Esterran.

    Well, the housemate of mine who paid for the internet moved out today meaning that the internet goes with him and gets transferred on Sunday.

    So until I get a new place (probably around mid december) I am going to be without internet, and even then will probably be without internet as I am going back to my hometown for Christmas.

    See you in the new year I guess!


  2. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

  3. Liam Esterran.

    Don't worry, I'll be back!
  4. Dingo "Who's Online" page Fan#1

    Five words: internet cafés and friends' houses :P
  5. Liam Esterran.

    Yeah, thats generally what i'm doing at the moment!

    Also stealing my friends password at his university (which on friday I will find out if it is my university also :o)
  6. Liam Esterran.

    Back y'all!

    Seeya in the chat soon!
  7. Arben The Flag Lover

    wow exact...

    wb... :D

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