•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Happy Birthday, little contest!


Eurovision Edition to celebrate one year of the escChat.com Song Contest?

Yayzorz! 17 vote(s) 94.4%
Nayzorz. 1 vote(s) 5.6%
  1. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.


    You may or may not know that 17th April is in fact the birthday of the escChat.com Song Contest! Jonny floated the idea and kicked off the contest exactly one year ago today on 17th April 2009 with Edition 1 in La Minske, Black Daisystan.

    So, on this anniversary day I propose a spin-off edition. No, it's not one of those "send your favourite song that was sent in the first year of the contest" affairs (we know Anette would win with her Edition 7 song :P) but rather, as it's approaching Eurovision time, how about a spin-off that basically goes against the main rule of the contest and have one where you actually send your favourite Eurovision song :D. A Eurovision Edition!

    As it'd be a one-off spin-off it wouldn't count in any of the statistics and would be a strictly forum-based affair like the Junior Editions were. Send your favourite ESC song of all time and vote on them in the usual way.

    Furnyland proposes to host the event as the most successful participant in the contest, perhaps sharing co-hosting duties with Black Daisystan as the founder of the contest (if Jonny would want to :)). :D

    Edition 15 of the contest would be as normal and would run concurrently with this spin-off.

    What'd you think?
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    It sounds like a TRULY FANTASTIC idea :) I'm all for this :D

    What an awsome idea this is! I would love it!
  4. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Actually, fuck it. The contest is a whole year old. This milestone is worth more than just a forum-based event. We should go big... it's a huge achievement given our history to have made it a year with still quite a lot of the main members and a gradual expansion.

    We'll do it big. A proper contest. With a proper section on the contest site. And a video based results show. So if you've planned anything Jonny, let me know first cos we can incorporate it :P

    Even still though, it won't be factored into any of the official statistics because normal rules aren't applying.
  5. Mina Member with a "past"

    Will we still do it at the same time as #15? Before? After?
  6. TheSamiad Dhakan

    This is exciting news.

    Where would we send the songs to?
  7. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Well I can confirm that ThirdWorldTV has produced a 1 year anniversary video, so thats interval material I reckon :D
  8. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Interval sorted then :D
  9. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    By the way, Jarek will host #15 but he needs a bit more time after the Polish tragedy - so we'll delay #15 and do this special edition first. Song submission will open soon and submit on the main contest site in the usual way.

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