•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Holland !!


What do you of the the Dutch entry?

I will SHINE with it in Moscow !! (love) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I will dig out my Alenka Gotar light (like) 1 vote(s) 9.1%
I will merely watch it (okay) 6 vote(s) 54.5%
I will look for a brighter day, when the song is over (dislike) 3 vote(s) 27.3%
I am Milos, and scared of the camptasticness (hate) 1 vote(s) 9.1%
  1. Mark New Member

    Happy Holland Day !!!! As we all know, The De Toppers are gonna "Shine!" in Moscow, whether they do well or not is yet to be seen, but their clothes will no doubt be shiny !! ( I bet Oscar Loya is jealous big time! ) So what do you think of the camptastic entry from Holland ??

    Vote in the poll and tell us your comments ...

    I don't like the new dancy version - preferred the nf version. Nevertheless it's an OK song...
  3. Mark New Member

    I prefered the old version !! and it could have done really well with it, however I can't dislike this entry, although I'm not liking it very much atm :D and it's also fun !!! :D
  4. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I don't really like either versions, but if I had to chose i'd chose the NF version, this new one sounds kind tacky :S I doubt it'll qualify.
  5. Mina Member with a "past"

    It's ok, not good and not bad:cool:
  6. Aaron N Moof master

    i don't like this song , its just extemely tacky!! but Holland do sing last so it just might slip through.
  7. I will merely watch it, although I will have my Alenka light out already thanks to Cyprus :D

    If this qualifies instead of Estonia, I might just vomit all over the carpet and TV...

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