•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Israel 2009


What do you of the the Israeli entry?

Poll closed 26th April 2009.
I Love It !! 2 vote(s) 25.0%
I Like it ! 1 vote(s) 12.5%
It's Okay 5 vote(s) 62.5%
I don't like it ! 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I Hate it !! 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Mark New Member

    Happy Israel Day !! :)

    Post your thoughts here about Israel's song and don't forget to vote in the poll.

    and because of the epic fail of my webcam last night, "there must be another way" for me to host :D:D So it'll all take part in the Chat Room ( I think )
  2. Happy Israel Day everyone!!! :D

    The Sheep gives 4 hooves-up to "There Must Be Another Way" - in short, I love it and it must make the final! Sadly, I wont be able to join you tonight but I'm sure it will be mooftastic! :)
  3. Aaron N Moof master

    i like the song, i don't love it but its is really nice :D i don't listen to this as much as i listen to will you dance with me? (which rocks :D).

    i do hope israel make it to the final. :)

    Mark i'm sure israel day will be as mooftastic as belguim day!! :D
  4. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch


    As for the song, its nice, but it just doesn't appeal to me. I think the new version is better, but I still can't fall in love with it :S

    I like some parts of the song, but overall it's just a bit nicey-nicey and average and I dont think it will look nice on stage.
  6. Mark New Member

    It's an awesome song, with some AMAZING lyrics !! :D:D The singers are goddess' !! "Will You Dance With Me" should have won ofc. !! It would have been my number one !! But oh well - I still adore this entry !! and it better make the final !!
  7. Mina Member with a "past"

    It's ok...neither good nor bad.

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