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Michael Jackson has died

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    I just heard the news on TV...I'm shocked. I used to be one of his biggest fans:(:(:(:(:(
    RIP Michael...and this is a video of my most favourite song by him.

  2. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    So sad and the saddest thing is that he spent his last years being accused of horrible things and was basically run out of the country :(
  3. Almila i am what i am

    im still so sad.what en early death for a man who wants to live forever.just like Mina ive been a fan since 86,always defended him against those accusations.im so happy n proud for the years,memories he had given.there r millions of things that can be written but its MJ thats all im saying.hes immortal,invincible,irreplacable.rest in peace my angel,i know the kid in u is free n found his childhood now...

    *cough* pedo *cough*
  5. Almila i am what i am

    pls respect stew for once in ur life.michael doesnt need ur respect n im not expectin a kid to underestand him-even in ur dreams-but just dont ok.its not funny atm.at least respect my feelings
  6. Here is my two cents on the matter - I found out last night, right when it happened and it was shocking, bizarre almost and it didn't really feel like reality.

    I can't pretend to feel aggrieved, distraught, upset because I never knew him at his greatest, I never got to experience Michael Jackson "the star" rather than "the human punch-line". The one thing I can't stand about this is all those people who berated and tore him down during his life have suddenly had a change of heart and are now crying crocodile tears over a legend they only felt fit to try and destroy.

    My thoughts are with his family and children and of course, his millions of fans/loons around the world who he obviously meant the world to.

    Respect to MJ, a musical legend - Rest In Peace.
  7. Almila i am what i am

    well said sheep!i knew him at his greatest.he was a gift from God,a big talent n icon,last legend,biggest loss of music n the most important he was an amazing man with his angel heart n human side.his human side is as precious as his talent.he touched my n millions life.n i totally agree with croc tears.ppl makin fun of him,bashin him r cryin fake tears for him.my mj is way beyond this world.
  8. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    when I heard..

    I heard the news about 11:30pm Lisbon time, just a few minutes after it was announced. I tried to get into the chat to talk about it but couldn't get the chat to load. :(

    I'm 32 years old and was a Michael Jackson fan in the 80s. My favourite song of his is "Billie Jean".

    While I can NOT condone his attitude, outrageous actions or his parenting skills, I think it all stemmed from the horrible way his father treated him during his childhood.

    Did anyone see the video clip of the Tour of Stars' Homes Bus as it went by Michael Jackson's house while paramedics were there taking him out to take him to the hospital? Very eerie, surreal experience.

    And now....Hugo Chavez, leader of Venezuela, says he's tired of people talking about MJ's death....claiming it's just another example of Capitalism...

    Interesting views from around the world.
  9. Almila i am what i am

    well members livin the 80s also 90s would know who is MJ better ofc.sadness,heartbreak,shock n disbelief...i cant feel anything else.maybe my reaction is overdose for someone but u have to watch the video of his press conference in march.if i had the chance to be there id be one of those crazy ones.not fair,he was so eager n ready for the come back
  10. Aaron N Moof master

    when i heard the news i was certainly shocked to say the least, granted i didn't like many of his songs he was still an amazing singer. ABC, Rockin Robin, Ben and the earth song were my personal faves :D (tho i would say Ben was his best ever song!)

    i admit i don't agree with some of the things he did in his life but he was be sadly missed......
  11. CTP Jass hater

    I never knew Michael Jackson at his "peak" only in later years when he was mostly ridiculed, and that's probably what has characterised my view of him. While his music isn't my favourite, I respect the man as an artist, and there is little doubt he had a talent many other performers could only dream of having. His behaviour in recent years probably wasn't befitting his status, but it was probably bought on by the fact he never had a childhood, he was pushed on stage - the way in which he grew up in front of everyone with great expectations on him would be enough to destroy most people (look at all the other child stars - many of them have troubles later in life).

    Sheep has a point about the way in which people from everywhere who would probably have never said a kind word about him when he was alive are now tripping over themselves to say how much they loved him.
  12. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I'll admit that like sheep, i'm not grieving or upset over this and I won't pretend I am because i've never really been a fan of his music or really shown any interest in him. But obv he is still a musical legend who should be remembered for the right reasons not the wrong ones :)

    Also he also had a small eurovision impact, when Poland won EDC 08 with a Michael Jackson Melody:

    RIP ofc.
  13. I found out this morning and I was shocked :( I think MJ was a great singer and performer but I wasn't one of his biggest fans. R I P

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