•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

My rant on EuroVision

  1. Freakazoid New Member

    I guess you could argue that Lena's Satellite was an American submission since it was written by an American given what Cyprus did.
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    TBH, I don't see an issue wth people repnting other countries, and I don't understand why people have a problem with it all in all. Cos Cyprus, for example, has less than a million people, whereas the UK Germany has 80 million, so it's only fair really that Cyprus being such a small country imports singers. And plus, if the Cypriot people have voted for that to represent them (which they had), they obviously like it and imo thats all that matters. Plus it was a rather awesome song ;)
  3. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    It was a German submission. Because, oddly enough, it represented Germany. Noone else. Germany.

    Ditto Cyprus. It was a Cypriot entry. It was the Cypriot representative for 2010.
  4. CTP Jass hater

    I agree with this. The Cypriot public voted for the song and the singer. The German public voted for their singer, and the song was huge in Germany. That to me says the people supported the song, and is the kind of music they want to hear. I genuinely don't care if a country chooses to use it's national language or not, and I don't believe that singing in it in any way demonstrates the culture of the country. If you want a true cultural experience of a country... why are you watching a 3 minute pop song? Get off your arse and visit the country.

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