•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Need some help: countries participating in the contest have a look

  1. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    If you have a country participating in the ESCChat Song Contest, then please write something about your country and send it to me @ [email protected] or just reply to me here...

    If you don't know what you should say about your country you can look for ideas here:


    (you can replace "France" with any other country participating in the real Eurovision Song Contest)

    Just look at the first few paragraphs. Don't bother with statistics (voting history, etc), but please write something about each of your entries.

    The reason I want this information is for creating a new website about the history and the statistics of our little contest! Any help is welcome!

    PS. If you don't write something then there won't be a page for your country coz i cba to write all that info for more than one (my) country!

    So far I have received the (great) articles from:
    San Minino
    Black Daisystan
    State of the Ark
  2. Almila i am what i am

    ill do it tonite kots!great idea!wupi wupi!
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    I emailed you the info:D
  4. Almila i am what i am

    no surprise i forgot to send.but its ready,hope i wont 4get today xD
  5. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Sent mine :D
  6. I sent mine, and thanks Kots for your reply :)
  7. MILKshake  

    i sent mine too the information about MILKlands to the ebu of escChat organsation :D :)

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