•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!


  1. This is a momentous day for us ESC/MF-loons!!! Hurrah :D och grattis Agnes!!!
  2. Mark New Member

    OH MY DAYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I bad timed going to Lourdes ( I'm back by the way, still dizzy with motion stuff from the train ) BUT OMG !! I may just cry for Agnes !! Rybak 10th in the UK !! Jade in the charts - crapply but still there !! and other songs in the UK charts too - omg !! ESC has done AMAZING this year - YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY !!
  3. Oh, that's tomorrow :) Fingers crossed. Grattis Agnes!

    (How do you create "thumbnails" :S :) )
  4. Kevin New Member

    i guess when her song is played in the chart (which is predicted to be top 3), so about half 6 onwards ;)
  5. calrisle Scrutineer

    Number three for agnes! Woo!
  6. calrisle Scrutineer

    OMG! She sounds just like you Sheepie!
  7. Kevin New Member

    DAMN! #3 - i was hoping for #1 - but its still amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
    and rofl @ her sheep :P
  8. Kevin New Member

    its a pitty that shes been beated by two awfully slampy songs though :(
  9. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    No. 3 is pretty impressive!! :D Tbh I was expecting her to chart at like 80th, or something ridiculous because decent foreign songs never seem to do well here, but first Rybak, then the Star Pilots and now this!!! Maybe we're entering a new era :)

    It's a shame she didn't make number 1, but she did a hell of alot better than most of us were probably expecting and she defo deserves it :P
  10. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    Notice that Rybak is already about to be knocked off the charts tho, and Jade already was! I guess Eurovision had its place, but it has been outlived already. :o
  11. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Yeah Rybak will be out by next week no doubt. You know what the funny yet awful thing is, Scooch charted at number 5 which is 22 places above Jade's peak position! :o I mean SERIOUSLY!!!! With the exception of Andy, all of our entries that have flopped have been in the top 20, yet when we finally get a top 5 it only just makes the top 30 lol :(
  12. Kevin New Member

    for anyone who hasnt seen: this was agnes on GMTV late last week:
  13. WOW, thank you Kevin :)

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