•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Promo thread :)

  1. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch


    OK so my song is a pop-rock song with country influences, and a touch of R&B in the verses. I know it sounds complicated and overloaded but it comes together really really well! Its by an American singer who looks strangely like Elena Paparizou, and I came across her music by accident but am very glad I did :)

    The song itself is an up-tempo ballad, with simple verses and a chorus which is gonna stay in your head for aggessss afterwards :) I have to admit, I don’t really like the video for it, I find it really bland and kinda wasted potential, but the song being so amazing makes up for it by far!

    Fingers crossed it’ll qualify, and I think this song will appeal to a lot of people .. having said that, I thought the same about “Like it loud” to some degree and .. well … yeah!

    And PS, I am so sorry if the whole pop-rock thing is getting a bit predictable by now, but this song should hopefully stand out from my previous entries :)
  2. Mina Member with a "past"

    SM this time decided to send a rock song by a male singer. The inspiration for this song was a private phone call made public between Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles. It's a sexy song with a sexy video and I hope it will help us make the final :D
  3. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    its hard to describe the Fusionian song... its like a folk dance pop song

    the video is AMAZING - it is random but worth watching

    this song is the first of its language in the contest and i hope it is listened to dispite the language - just wish the country of origin in real life sends soemthing like this in esc as thier last few songs are EPIC FAILURES

    i dare-say to quote sheep and say this song is borderline MIND-F*CK AMAZING it is EPIC
  4. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    I first listened to my song in the greek version of So You Think You Can Dance. It was adorable so I had to write the lyrics down to find it later. When I found it I loved it immediately! It's still one of my favourite songs!

    And guess what? It's rock! It's performed by an american band and the video clip shows a nice story which is quite interesting!

    The lyrics are about a man, who no matter how hard he tries, isn't able to make the girl that he loves like him. She seems inaccessible but he keeps trying hoping for the best, even though he doesn't know what to do.

    PS: The video clip was filmed in Fireflance but was a result of the cooperation of Fireflench and Furnizer professionals.
  5. The song from State of the Ark is in Swedish :o It's a pop ballad about breaking up and starting afresh.

    I think all of you have heard about the singer before :P

    The composer of the song was behind one of the entries in Melodifestivalen this year and has also provided Céline Dion and Westlife with songs :)

    English lyrics in a separate thread.
  6. Kiewen New Member

    Thanks the wonderous legs of Girls Generation, we were able to better our position when Maia represented us.

    This time round, we are hoping for even better!

    The song being sent is a classic song, that builds and builds to an epic, spine tingling climax, one of those songs that needs to be listened to on full volume to really appreciate it!

    On a personal level, the song means a lot to me, so i thought i would share it with you all!

    It is one of my favourite songs, and i hope you will enjoy it as much as i do!
  7. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    The song representing the Hatican City is a pop song that I found when playing a game called Amplitude. Check out the list of songs from that game - one of them is my entry. ;)

    I'm not sure if this song will appeal to people, but I really just want to see who likes it. :D
  8. Jackeroo The Big Unit

    Jacuvia is happy to be participating in the escChat Song Contest for a third time, and hopes to further improve our result.

    Our song is a poppy one with a bit of rock by a British-based artist. He is backed by a gospel choir and a children's choir who help him by shouting and singing along with the artist. The video isn't the classiest thing you've ever seen (since when was someone jumping up and down in their boxers classy anyway?), but it's a nice song with a nice meaning, and I hope you love it!
  9. Madwolfy New Member

    Novterbias song is in Armenian and is sung by a male and female vocal.

    It is a love song.

    I like it.

    It is good therefore you should vote for it.
  10. CTP Jass hater

    Well, we were going Nordic for while, but we changed our mind, and are instead heading down to België. Our entrant has been singing for quite a few years now, but still has an excellent voice, as this clip was taken from a concert. The song is a ballad in Dutch, and like many songs, is about love. One can only hope we make the final ;)
  11. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    American band. Male vocals. Rock-ish. It's not your average love song lyrics. It's my love song, yes my LOVE SONG. If anyone sang this to me then I would hump them in a flash :P ...ok maybe not, but I would definitely go on dateS with them. ;)

    Vote or die, please :D
  12. Arben The Flag Lover

    Arbanas new series of entries...

    The next 5 songs i send in are albanian songs which should have participated in ESC in my opinion.

    Every of the 5 songs is similar to ONE albanian realESc-entry!!!

    So this time my song is really something for people who loved anjeza shahinis(2004) song.
    The song makes u feel happy and great. Its really refreshing to all the ballads and rocksongs u get to hear in our contest:)

    I think it could make the best result for Albania in ESC. To bad it will never have the possibility:(
  13. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    i definitely know it!:P:P
  14. Aaron N Moof master

    Moofistan (Beroriaeth)'s 2nd entry will be a german ballad by an artist that i adore :D

    The song about asking for belief and trust in the path you have chosen in life.

    i really do hope you like this song, and i shall pray it qualifies :P
  15. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    I think I know what this is. ;)
  16. Eurovizz Member

    It was a bit hard to choose which song that was going to represent Hexelbourg this time, as there were too many candidates where some of them actually had waited for ages (and still) to be presented at the ESCchat contest.

    The final decision has been taken, and my song will be a pop-house song sung by two famous Korean singers. The song itself is basically most of the time in Korean, but some few verses in the song are in English also.

    TV5 MDH has submitted the live-performance from the Hexelbourgian national final of the representatives. :):):):)
  17. Kristiina sxesov q.f

    World-famous rock band from Britain. Incredible song, which is one of the classics of British rock. Can't say anything more, because you'll know the artist then.

    And ofc you can all hate me, because I sent such a song.
  18. escChat Song Contest IX: The Entry of Sheepmark

    This is Sheepmark's first promo in ages, but the quality of the song demands it! Our entry this time is the conclusion of a journey the country has taken since it's first emergence in the inaugural event all the way back in April. It is a summit we have been trying to reach and perfectly ties up a chapter in Sheepmark's relationship with the contest.

    Our song is by a duo hailing from Sweden who are currently leading the race to win the "Ones to Watch in 2010' at the annual End-of-Year music awards, and our last from the Nordic countries for a while. It's a song awash with luscious synths, sparkling flourishes of sound but most importantly a special, inspirational message: we can leave behind the mundane, colourless every day life we lead and for a few special moments feel like we're soaring through the skies heading for the very edge of Earth. The video is an extension of the atmosphere of the song and I ask you to give it a chance even if you don't like the opening few bars - listen to it all and you will be rewarded. This is a present from the heart of the country, this is pop music at it's best, please enjoy.

    Oooh, and listen to it LOUD and with headphones on please!
  19. Dingo "Who's Online" page Fan#1


    The people of Barborderlos were extremely delighted by their second place finish at Rock City! To the 9th Escchat Song Contest we send a song that has very few of the elements needed to win such a contest. Some countries may indeed find it too boring or even think that Barborderlos is trying to spread a religious message with her entry. We are not.. we just like the song and its performers.

    The song has been covered dozens of times and alongside Eva Cassidys cover, this is no doubt one of the best versions. The performers are legends in their own right and formed their group in 1939 and have been going ever since! So they are very old, a few of them have passed on. I find their music so powerfully soulful and heartfelt- when they first started up, one of the singers used to say that if they couldn't use a hammer and nail to help rebuild the city [there is an obvious reason for this], they would take out music instead and they went down to inspire the people that there is hope. This sentiment is very important to people in Barborderlos, as is hope!

    Take a listen and see if it clicks with you too! We look forward to everyone elses entries.
  20. digifreak BRUNO


    Hello everyone!! :)

    Atlantico Norte has selected the band and the music that will represent us on the #9 ESCChat Song Contest.

    The band is an American rock band formed by a singer/guitarist. He formed the group as a one-man project after the dissolution of his previous band.

    The music video for the song takes place on an airplane, parodying the movie Airplane!. Two airline mechanics hide "World Domination brand 'Erotic' Sleeping Powder" in the coffee-maker, which ends up incapacitating everyone who drinks the coffee. The band, having avoided the coffee (choosing liquor instead), finds themselves forced to land the plane. For the video, each band member portrays himself as well as several other roles.

    We really hope that you like our song, since this is our very first entry on the contest! :)

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