•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Ranarborg 27#

  1. Hello once again and congratulations to Inspireland who inspired us all with their great winner last time! :)

    Now, I asked in chat few min earlier and it was 0-3, hipster song vs. good ballad.

    SOOO good ballad it is!! :)

    I am re-sending one of my artist so I am not going to say much about it and I might have given it away already.

    Like many of my songs, this one is about love.
    Last one was about how great love can be, when the one you love is around you feel like your world spins around that person and that person only. The world LOVE was never mentioned in the whole song though and I want to you thank you guys who voted for it :)

    Now this song is kinda the opposite. What happens when this person ISN'T around? Beautiful ballad with great singer who uses the voice as the main instrument and it is epic. Beside the voice there is only a gentle guitar and if you listen carefully you might hear the orgel tones here and there :)
    And again, the world 'love' is never mentioned in the lyrics (as far as I know, you just have to listen to if few times to see if I am right :P )

    I hope you'll enjoy it and for the hand of MinnEiginnRass I wish you all good luck!
    pepepaez and swissBoy like this.
  2. swissBoy Active Member

    Sounds great :) Good luck ;)
    icelandic girl likes this.
  3. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

    Glad to see you back :)
    icelandic girl likes this.

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