•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Random Country Game - THE RESULTS

  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    #10: Bosnia & Herzegovina

    (and you'll have to wait a few hours before #9..hehe:P)
  2. Mina Member with a "past"

    #9: Iceland
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    #8: Hungary :o
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    #7: Ireland
  5. Mina Member with a "past"

    #6: Denmark
  6. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    YAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYYAYA Random country generator I love you!!!!!!!! :D
  7. *eagerly awaits Mina's announcement that Latvia has indeed won :rolleyes::o*
  8. Mina Member with a "past"

    #5: Latvia

    (Almost, Sheep...loooooooooooool)

    The top 4 to follow in the next hours, so stay tuned:P
  9. Mark New Member

    Okay - This will never happen ... unless Europe suddenly all get's swine flu and thinks Latvia is amazing ...
  10. Mina Member with a "past"

    #4: Andorra
  11. Mark New Member

    GO ANDORRA !!!!!!!!!!! - That's the best they'll ever do in anything :D
  12. Mina Member with a "past"

    #3: F i n l a n d
    (Goooooooooooooooo Waldoooooooooooooooo!)
  13. Aaron N Moof master


    *goes crazy for waldo*

    and yayayayayayayay Andorra 4th *goes extra crazy*
  14. Mina Member with a "past"

    #2: Estonia
  15. Mina Member with a "past"

    And finally the WINNER of our game is

  16. ollie2283 jedan sam čekao je ovdje!

    well that took longer to reveal than phidhodko's scream session :P
    about time we won something xD
  17. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    ROFL!!!! But yayayayayayayayayayayayay!!! :D If we dont win the actual eurovision we can use this as a basis to claim the moral victory obv :)
  18. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    I know! Let's dance Nor Par in celebration!!!

    Actually, I refute our win in favour of Armenia. 8-D

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