•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Sasha Award 2010


    Hi Everyone!

    As we all know, Luis has his Sveta Awards. Named after Svetlana Loboda, Ukraine 2009!
    A song that he likes, but he doesn't want it in the top 10!

    Well, following the Sveta's, I came up with the Sasha's.
    The Sasha's, named after Sasha Son, Lithuania 2009, are songs low on my/your ranking, but you believe will do very well in Oslo!

    In this thread, you can all post your Sasha Awardwinner of 2010, at 24 May, we will take a look at who got the most votes!

    Please everyone, post your winnner!:D


    My Sasha Vote goes to

    My vote goes to:

  3. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    My Sasha award goes to :cy: Cyprus.
  4. Alex Identified Flying Object

    Albania is my second worst , but I believe it should do a top 15.
  5. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    I might've not warmed up to Ukraine in the beginning but seeing her at the concert with her good live voice makes me hope she'll qualify. She seems like a nice girl.
  6. Jarek New Member

    my vote goes to :se: :)
  7. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch



    Aside from my insane love for the song, I acknowledge it is pretty damn bad, however i'd love to see it do well ;D
  8. Mina Member with a "past"

    Israel for me.
  9. Arben The Flag Lover

    i think mine is :ge: or :pt:, cant decide between em

    hmm i say :ge:

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