•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Song of 2012 - Game

  1. Ljupco Active Member

    I know how it feels Nessie :(
  2. LOL, isn't it funny, Thomas G: son wrote both songs :D
  3. Julio STRANGLES

    Its over now, no point on voting more. 12 people voted and the results of this will be out tomorrow.
  4. Ljupco Active Member

    DAMN I Forgot to vote :(:(:(
  5. Jonas Persson EURO NEURO

    Glad u did sweetest Ljupco xxx
  6. Ljupco Active Member

    You're evil :(
  7. Julio STRANGLES


    1st - :se: Sweden votes from Julio, Lilly, Bashers, Jonas, Anette, Mattew and Janet
    2nd - :es: Spain votes from Adam, Nick, Berk, JW and Alvaro
  8. Julio STRANGLES

    The Final
    Full Results

    01 - :se: Sweden - Loreen - Euphoria
    02 - :es: Spain - Pastora Soler - Quédate Conmigo
    03 - :uk: United Kingdom - Engelbert Humperdinck - Love Will Set You Free
    04 - :is: Iceland - Gréta Salóme & Jónsi - Never Forget
    05 - :de: Germany - Roman Lob - Standing Still
    06 - :nl: Holland - Joan Franka - You And Me
    07 - :ch: Switzerland - Sinplus - Unbreakable
    08 - :si: Slovenia - Eva Boto - Verjamem
    09 - :fr: France - Anggun - Echo (You And I)
    10 - :it: Italy - Nina Zilli - L'Amore È Femmina
    11 - :pt: Portugal - Filipa Sousa - Vida Minha
    12 - :az: Azerbaijan - Sabina Babayeva - When The Music Dies
    13 - :no: Norway - Tooji - Stay
    14 - :ie: Ireland - Jedward - Waterline
    15 - :rs: Serbia - Željko Joksimović - Nije Ljubav Stvar
    16 - :dk: Denmark - Soluna Samay - Should've Known Better
    17 - :ro: Romania - Mandinga - Zaleilah
    18 - :ee: Estonia - Ott Lepland - Kuula
    19 - :be: Belgium - Iris - Would You?
    20 - :hu: Hungary - Compact Disco - Sound Of Our Hearts
    21 - :by: Belarus - LiteSound - We Are The Heroes
    22 - :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina - MayaSar - Korake Ti Znan
    23 - :cy: Cyprus - Ivi Adamou - La La Love
    24 - :gr: Greece - Eleftheria Eleftheriou - Aphrodisiac
    25 - :ru: Russia - Buranovskiye Babushki - Party For Everybody
    26 - :tr: Turkey - Can Bonomo - Love Me Back
    27 - :mk: F.Y.R. Macedonia - Kaliopi - Crno E Belo
    27 - :fi: Finland - Pernilla - När Jag Blundar
    29 - :at: Austria - Trackshittaz - Woki Mit Deim Popo
    29 - :sk: Slovakia - Max Jason Mai - Don't Close Your Eyes
    31 - :hr: Croatia - Nina Badric - Nebo
    31 - :il: Israel - Izabo - Time
    33 - :al: Albania - Rona Nishliu - Suus
    33 - :mt: Malta - Kurt Calleja - This Is The Night
    35 - :ua: Ukraine - Gaitana - Be My Guest
    35 - :lv: Latvia - Anmary - Beautiful Song
    37 - :md: Moldova - Pasha Parfeny - Lautar
    37 - :bg: Bulgaria - Sofi Marinova - Love Unlimited
    39 - :lt: Lithuania - Donny Montell - Love Is Blind
    39 - :sm: San Marino - Valentina Monetta - The Social Network Song
    41 - :ge: Georgia - Anri Jokhadze - I'm A Joker
    41 - :me: Montenegro - Rambo Amadeus - Euro Neuro
  9. Julio STRANGLES

    personal opinion: I'm glad that Spain did not win.
  10. Jonas Persson EURO NEURO

    :kiss: Sweden won...
  11. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    Personal opinion: sigh, why is Sweden such a fanwank :P
    Ljupco likes this.
  12. Julio STRANGLES

    because its not boring like Spain
    Jonas Persson likes this.
  13. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    But Spain doesn't have karate spasms.
  14. Julio STRANGLES

    but has a singer that her face looks like that was submitted to several karate spasms
    pepepaez likes this.
  15. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    Clearly we're not gonna agree on this one. I just don't like Sweden that much.

    i dont like sweden that much neither, but i think that both songs are ok and its us who decided the winner. anyway, its all an achievement

    I think the problem is (for those of us who aren't struck) that we've ended up with an "OK" song once more - probably the one that's the least offensive to the greatest number of people. Once we were down to 4 remaining I thought, ew i don't want any of these to win, and we've ended up with what, for me, out of those 4 was the least worst.

    yeah but every voting system has its issues, janet. we could have voted for our favourites instead, but a superfavourite would have won and ok songs would have ended horribly. this system rewards haters on some songs that went out too soon, its simply another alternative, we cannot blame that... well, this is what we got, and its alright, but we could think about something else for next time. what about 2 negative votes plus 1 positive vote, we would avoid many claims as long as we voted fair ;)

    I totally agree, that's why i said for those of us who aren't struck. Some people will, of course, be delighted Sweden won.
  20. Out of the remaining songs I preferred Sweden but I would rather have seen Slovakia, Switzerland and Norway in Top 3.

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