•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

The Third Team Edition

  1. dan Bald Member

  2. Hello Hi, I'd love to take part.

    (#Schapensof4life tho)
    DenDutch likes this.
  3. EuroCusto Member

    I will participate as well.

    Greetings :)
  4. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.


    JAMES and strangles
    HANITA and gianluca
    MILTZ and merjan
    NESSIE and dennis
    BAS and rua
    WIGGLES and two
    TEODOR and anette
    SOK and ctp
    MINA and sandera
    DAN and sheep
    OSWALD and zunir

    The names in CAPS are the leaders. The teams were determined by the order you posted in this thread.

    Now please collaborate and discuss a team name, design a flag and pick songs. Send them via PM (along with a recap time). Send multiple songs to ensure you have a backup just in case.

    You have until 22nd March.
    Rua and sokrates1988 like this.
  5. Mina Member with a "past"

    LOL second time in a row I team up with a woman....girl power!
    sokrates1988 likes this.
  6. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    THE full songs etc. are out now and you can listen to them by clicking here.

    Please note that you will vote by Private Conversation rather than via the contest site, but you may not do so until you have listened to all the songs in full on the contest website and have green ticks for them all. When you are ready to vote, do so here.

    Be aware that if you made a video voting clip for T2, you must do so again in T3.
    If you made an audio vote in T2, you may either audio vote or video vote in T3.

    The deadline for voting and submitting your voting clip will close no earlier than 12th April 2015.

    There is currently no date for the results show.
    Rua, Zuñir and dan like this.
  7. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    FOR the avoidance of doubt, the deadline is for receiving both the audio/video clip and your votes.

    If you are doing a video vote, please can you also record a separate video of yourself waving to the camera for approximately 10 seconds and submit unlisted youtube links for both videos via the Private Conversation system.
    Anaconda likes this.

    Are there any rules about the video?
  9. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Don't be an Alexis
  10. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    AND make sure you announce ALL points, IN THE RIGHT ORDER. Hi Janet.
    ThatWelshOne likes this.

    You lose all the suspense.
  12. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    NMF. And they manage it quite fine in JESC.
  13. ThatWelshOne Member

    no you don't
    Rua and jw like this.

    Yes you do.

    And since when did jw base anything on JESC
  15. ThatWelshOne Member

    You don't though
  16. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    It's not like you have to wait minutes to get the 12, you tell the 10p and a few seconds later the 12p

    But you are still left with 2 teams and they are both wondering which one of them won.
  18. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    Yes, and they'll obv know who won if you say your 10 or 12 either way, so just adding the final bit isn't a big problem

  20. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Please don't be rude towards Dennis just because he broke up with you, Janet.
    DenDutch likes this.

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