•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

WC FINAL bettings and scoreboard.

  1. Arben The Flag Lover

    'cause today's the day (tonight's the night)...Lets GLOOOW!

    I had much fun with you playing our betting game :D Thank you participating and not leaving before end of game. Hope you had also fun with this and maybe we can have the next edition in 2 years :D
    Here are the bettings for the final and after the match also the FINAL scoreboard with the overall ranking. (Pls Thomas, dont spoil around who won :D)

    Spa vs ned 1:2

    Spa vs ned 1:2

    Holland - Spain 1-2

    Holland - Spain 3-2

    Holland - Spain 2:3

    Holland - Spain: 0-1

    Holland - Spain: 0-1
  2. James ... and his things xD

    May the best team win tonight!! Especially the dutch team ofc!

    Thanks Arben for organizing this! I really enjoyed it and i think others did too. Also thanks for all who kept the scores! See you all in 2 years in Poland and Ukraine!-
  3. Arben The Flag Lover


    9th: with 55 points, Thomas disq.

    8th: with 11 points, Este and Alex
    7th: with 21 points, Alexis
    6th: with 45 points, Nick
    5th: with 46 points, Arben
    4th: with 49 points, Vizz

    3rd: with 59 points, JONNY
    2nd: with 65 points, JAMES

    1st: with 66 points, MINA. Congrats!! You actually won a prize, but you must have iTunes for it :D

    0th: with 219 of 219 points, JW. Juche!

    [Thomas] 10:42 PM: Hi, since I was asked no to spoil around I'll have to do it then,
    since it's not the same as spoiling about a tv soap, there is not an episode missed, all the results of
    the previous matches have been revealed, thus:
    1. Mina, 66 points
    2. James, 65 points
    3. Jonny, 59 points
    4. Thomas, 55 points
    5. Vizz, 49 points
    6. Arben, 46 points
    7. Nick, 45 points

    As the rules say, Thomas is disq. therefor!
  4. James ... and his things xD

    Hahahahaha 0th Juche;D

    Congratulations, Mina. I couldn't imagine someone nicer to be beaten by. Also congrats to Jons and his 3rd place!

    You see Mina: Teachers rule!!!
  5. Mina Member with a "past"

    I'm sooooooooooooo excited! Congratulations to everyone and especially to James..you put up a good fight but we Greeks know our football :P (too bad we can't play it;D)

    I don't have iTunes on this computer but it's ok, just the fact that I won is enough :D

    And a pic from me so that we all remember this WC:D

  6. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Good joke. ;D
  7. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    :pk: PRAISE BE TO JUCHE. :pk:
  8. Mina Member with a "past"

    Pffffffft..you just don't appreciate my niceness ;D
  9. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Wahey, 3rd place. Admittedly that is two places behind mina, which is simply not acceptable, but theres always 2014 to look forward to ;D

    (Congrats mina, btw :P )
  10. Mina Member with a "past"

    Thanks...and btw do you think you'll know more about football by 2014? I doubt it;D
  11. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    By 2014 you'll be claiming your pension, forgetfullness will start to set in and you won't even know theres a world cup going on ;)
  12. Mina Member with a "past"

    My pension? I'm in Greece, sweetie, my pension isn't due before 2834 ;D
  13. James ... and his things xD

    Jealous jw??:rolleyes:
  14. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Why would I be jealous? Look how many points I got. :D
  15. James ... and his things xD

    Jealous because of the good joke. Still waiting for your first one.;)
  16. Mina Member with a "past"

  17. I'm rubbish at football but CONGRATS MINA ;D
  18. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    You'd be almost as old as Anette by the time that comes round ;D

    (Sorry Anette :P )

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